Jaylos (Bal, Umvie)

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Carlos was awoken by the sound of his two daughters, Nina and Tess, yelling at him to wake up. Slowly, he opened his eyes. One of his legs was thrown over his boyfriend's stomach while the other lay against Jay's leg. He was curled up into the side of the ex thief, and his hair was tangled into the older boy's own hair. "DADDY WAKE UP, WAKE UP!"the twelve year olds yelled.
"I'm awake, I'm awake, calm down,"Carlos mumbled.
"Do you know what special day it is tomorrow?"Nina asked, lying on top of poor Carlos, nudging his elbow with her head.
"A day where you don't wake us up at..."Carlos checked the time, "Six in the morning?"
"No it's even more special!"Tess said, shaking Jay awake, "Wake up, wake up!" Jay stirred and eventually opened his eyes to see his two daughters and boyfriend.
"What?"Carlos asked, pretending not to know.
"YOU DON'T REMEMBER?!?!"Nina screamed, shocked. Carlos shook his head, thinking about poor Mal, Ben, Evie and Uma, who had probably been woken by the shouting girls. "IT'S OUR BIRTHDAY!!" Carlos smiled to himself.
"Oh, how could I forget?"he replied, in a friendly-sarcastic way. "The same day our two trouble-makers were born, just ten years later!" Jay nodded at his lovers words and pulled the younger boy in closer, gently planting a small kiss on his forehead.
"NOW WAKE UP DADDY, WAKE UP!!"Tess yelled.
"No, no, go back to bed you two, we aren't waking everybody up just yet, so go,"Carlos mumbled.
"NO WAKE UP WAKE UP!!"Nina protested.
"If you don't go to bed now,"Jay cut in,"We'll cancel your birthday."
"NO WE'LL GO TO BED!"the girls yelled as they scampered off to their bedroom.
"That was mean,"Carlos commented on his boyfriends words,"Just mean."
"I'd like to see you get them to bed in a better way,"Jay teased. Carlos sighed and cuddled closer to his lover. He gently traced his fingers along Jay's abs, since Jay always slept shirtless, while the taller boy played with Carlos' white locks. Cruella's son had grown his hair longer since being away from his controlling mother, and it almost reached his shoulders. Jay felt a small tug at his arm. He turned to see what it was. It was his boyfriend, trying to pull himself closer to the older male. Jay smiled to himself. I have the cutest boyfriend... he thought. He pulled the younger male closer and buried his face into the white cloud of hair Carlos owned. "I love you,"Carlos muttered, keeping his head buried in Jay's chest.
"I love you more,"Jay replied, his voice muffled from his face being in Carlos' hair.
"Impossible..." Carlos turned his head up to face Jay. The older male smiled, gently kissing his lovers nose. Carlos smiled and pulled Jay's neck down into a passionate kiss.
"You're a great kisser..."Jay flirted, stroking his boyfriends cheek.
"Not as good as you..."Carlos flirted back, melting into Jay's touch.

At 10 o'clock the love birds were awoken once again by their daughters. "DADDY DADDY IT'S TEN WAKE UP!!"Nina begged. Both males ignored them. Tess and Nina crept up, then jumped onto their dads.
"HOLY SH-"Carlos began, but didn't finish the last word.
"Daddy almost swore!"Tess cried, nudging Jay. The older male ignored her and continued cuddling his lover. The weight of both his daughters jumping on him hadn't shifted him at all. "Dad!"she called again. Jay finally opened his eyes.
"What?"he asked, sleepily.
"Daddy almost said the swear word for poop!"
"Did he?" Meanwhile, Nina was jumping on Carlos.
"Wake up daddy wake up! It's ten!"she said, shaking him. Carlos ignored her. "DADDY!"she cried, shaking him and jumping up and down on him. Carlos finally opened his eyes and reluctantly pulled away from his boyfriends embrace.
"Mhm?"Carlos replied, rubbing his eyes.
"Wake up! It's ten!"
"Uhhh fine...."Carlos complained, slowly getting up with his daughters following him. Jay gently got up and went to shower while Carlos got some clothes out. Nina and Tess went into their bedroom and started getting dressed. Just as Carlos pulled on his jacket, he heard a knock at the door. "Come in,"he called. Evie stepped in.
"Hey Carlos, was that Nina and Tess yelling at six?"she asked.
"Yeah, sorry 'bout that..."Carlos apologised.
"Eh, it's fine, but Mal's mad..."
"I expected that... eh, I'll let Jay deal with her." Carlos ran a brush through his hair before sitting on the bed.
"Well, I'll see you in a bit at breakfast, Mal's trying to cook for us."
"Okay, cya." Evie waved before leaving the room. Carlos sighed. Jay came out of the bathroom, and saw Carlos sitting on the bed.
"You okay baby?"he asked, sitting beside the puppy boy.
"Hm? Yeah, yeah, fine,"Carlos replied.
"You sure? You look sad. You would tell me if something's off, right?"
"Of course." Carlos smiled up at his lover.
"I love you,"Jay said.
"I love you too,"Carlos replied.

This is one of my old stories :) I'm sorry about the picture that the top 😂 I couldn't find my Apple Pencil so I had to do it with my finger so... yeah 😂 Love you all! ❤️

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