Chapter Two

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"Ding, ding, ding! Here I come, seeking for you, little brother." A young Thomas grinned mischievously to himself, eyes gleaming with enthusiasm, brimming with youthful happiness, musing with manageable mischief as he tip-toed softly whilst looking around the dining room. Sharpened visioned, he easily relied on his sensory impulses, listening for anything out of the ordinary.

Emmett held his breath, he was too afraid to breathe in otherwise, for his brother was inventively ingenious. He was hiding inside a utensils cupboard and he had never been too frightened of the dark until now. He whimpered at the thought of a gummy monster that his Mum had warned him about, he didn't want to be his dinner, not today.

Meanwhile, Thomas chuckled to himself as he looked underneath the table and other effective hiding places for his brother. He sighed dejectedly, almost mockingly, "Baby bro, where are you? I am worried now, boo bear. I swear if it is that ugly gummy man again, I'd really tackle him to the ground and use Mum's pointed heels to protect you if it comes to that."

Emmett widened his eyes in fear, too startled by the raging thoughts of that blasted gummy man of a monster to suppress his astonished, more fearsome gasp, making it easy for Thomas to look for him, although he wasn't certain about the particular cabinet since it was still quite muted. Whereas Emmett couldn't do it anymore, he started to wail and cry, puckering his lips in a pout, mind conjuring up ghastly scenarios. With his little fists, he tried to open the door as he shivered, more sobs started to break free from his small frame, greyish blue eyes quivered in horror, letting Thomas know about his exact whereabouts as he hurriedly opened the cupboard door and, upon seeing his brother's condition, he took it upon himself to calm him down.

"Hey, boo bear. I am sorry, I am so sorry, I shouldn't have said his name, shhh! It is all right, I am here, eh? Do you want some chocolate? Mum has baked some delicious biscuits for you, let's look for them, shall we?" He wiped his tears and offered him his hand with a sad smile, as Emmett nodded and instantly agreed to his offer.

"Gum-my monster?" Emmett implored as he held onto his brother's hand, almost clinging to him as they walked, too afraid to be on his own.

"Is not a real monster, Emmett. He will not harm you, not when I would be there to defend thy honour, eh?" Emmett nodded with a hesitant smile, his nerves had calmed down after hearing this.

If only he knew that monsters were not made out of some pixie, magical dust but real men, if only he could tell it to Thomas' younger self that he couldn't always be there to protect him, that his battles were his own to deal with.

"O-kay!" He whispered.

"It's not okay, Emmett. This should've never happened, you understand? It shouldn't have, ever." With an extra emphasis on ever, Emmett's friend called out from the other side.

"What do you want me to do, huh? They don't want me there and I can't live in that bloody house, knowing that I am unwelcomed, unwanted like some ugly piece of trash." Emmett frustratedly added, too exhausted with this talk, too drained to do anything else.

"I know...I am sorry, Em. I really am, for everything. I should have never forced you to come out to your folks, it's my fault that it happened." Gwen quietly confessed.

"It-it's not your fault, Gwen. This was bound to happen, you only did what was necessary, I have been running away for too long from this..from myself and I needed to confront this, it was only fair to do that today." He reasoned with an almost relieved sigh. As much it had stung to be bashed and brutalised for his indifferent identity, Emmett was somehow satisfied with this inherent revelation as he could finally breathe.

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