Chapter Three

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Before he could further implore his mind to shut it all out, Emmett was sweetly interrupted. Paranoia, it was too engulfing an emotion to be confined cautiously. His insanity was on the brink of absurd lunacy, his heart's folly in an alienated frenzy. Who could it be? Like a deranged demon, he wobbled to his feet, greyish blue orbs that once seemed to glimmer and glisten with hope now hopelessly, stared stoically at nothing. Stammering, he needed a torch to fixate his gaze on the pathway to that intruder and he was grateful for his phone that could help him in such clamorous times.

What could it be? It was too reticent a voice, restrained by nature's soft berceuse, harmonising with specks of pearly crystalline droplets, plunging the Earth in a rather symphonic descent, or so it appeared. Whatever or whomsoever it was, Emmett had to find out since his survival apparently depended on that.

Rain softly pelted against his frame, the storm strangely, reflected Emmett's emotional tragedy whilst his mind's morality was harshly being tested amidst his infinite misfortune, delusional as ever, he scoffed slightly before abruptly pausing when he hit a dead-end in the form of a tree. Wildly thrashing against the zestful zephyr carried forth by the wafting whisky winds of the ocean, he allegorised the tree with himself. Just like him, it was facing a waged war inherently, with itself. Against the forces of nature, against the world, it was a fight to see, a sight to be free, and that only strengthened his beliefs, especially in himself. He couldn't give up, he wouldn't give up, he finalised again before sighing, he was so certain that he had heard something or someone previously but it seemed to be a misleading milestone, a disheartening throne.

He should return, he conclusively thought before swiftly turning around. As Emmett started to walk away, he stilled when he heard something or better yet, someone harmonising heavenly a symphony he thought to be simply preposterous since no one could ever vocalise so viciously a verse woven with words veneered in the love-hue a dedication, a melodic sensation he was bewildered to hear even. Who could it be, at such an hour? He couldn't help but wonder rhetorically as he wandered towards the same tree, whose grievously ghastly beauty seemed to momentarily fade away from Emmett's line of vision for his winding gaze was only ever fixated on what he was previously unable to take note of.

Leaning leisurely against the tree, was an oldfangled bench, an outlandish furniture piece, seemingly archaic in structure from what Emmett could understand under the consistent flicker of the antiquated lamp-post, inconveniently pestering his irritant eyes. Squinting, he stealthily moved forward, unexpectantly stepping on some pale leaves of yore, cringing embarrassedly at his mistaken carelessness. What was wrong with him? He wandered aimlessly before sluggishly stepping forth then abruptly coming to a halt. Since the bench was indirectly facing him, Emmett could only make out a silhouette, the soulful source of that sentient chorus that he had the good fortune of listening.

Emmett sighed whilst running his shivering fingers through his dishevelled dark brown hair, he was an ambiguous mess and he couldn't even deny the enigmatic appeal of the aforementioned statement. Lightning flashed fluorescently, a chromatic onslaught that certainly dared to scare him to his wits, but not this time, he supposed and he had no qualms in blaming it upon the slouching silhouette. Hazily obscured shadow was swathed sentiently by the torrential rain showers making him too frightened to approach them, especially when they were too focused on belting out their emotions, something Emmett could only assume given the fact that those mere mizzling sprinkles were accompanying them like a bunch of background singers with some combustible clouds being lousy drummers for their local band.

Lightening, to Emmett, seemed to be quite the limelight for their little show as it iridescently flashed across the horizon in some splendid hues of green, purple and red, brightening up his line of vision as he could finally make out the person. The white shirt was what Emmett relentlessly muttered to himself as he, gained his courage to move forward. One more step and he would be behind their bench, he anxiously thought to himself, but his curiosity had some other plans.

Blueberry blackdream beseeched to his heart to let it in, wafting through the misty whiskers whisperers of the bedecked night-time, murmured mosaics of Michaelangelo's mayhem through the sculpted physique of the stranger's frame, heart-strings pulled at one another like guitar chords coordinating between frets, the heartbeat was left unsynchronised with one bar four rhythms, wildly thumping against his cage, callous fingers worked their way relaxedly into weaving a symphonious melody with articulate fidelity, a blended rigour for euphoric exhilaration, he had deduced instead, he was too drunk on this brewed ale, he couldn't even decipher his own breath. How could he possibly breathe in their delectable presence, Emmett wondered to himself as he grew conscious of his rather innate proximity with the stranger. With a shuddering exhale, he had hesitantly stepped back before slowly walking away from them. Call him a coward but he couldn't will himself to be caught red-handedly, it sounded too stalkerish and vain in his opinion.

With one last glance at them, he swiftly turned around in the dark of the roaring night before following the same trail that he had assumed, would lead him to his safety-shed. Emmett, suddenly, stumbled whilst slyly walking away from that venerable bench. His otherwise sombre and subdued eyes were hysterically widened in trepidation. His heart was looped in a frantic frenzy as he tried to calm himself, yet it was all but a worthless pursuit since he couldn't function properly.

"Just breathe, Emmett. Just breathe." He consoled himself in a hushed voice, feeling somewhat normal amidst such overwhelmingly abnormal stipulations. He had to turn around and see if he was, by any chance, right in guessing what it could be that had him frightened out of his senses, it was the only option he had, didn't he?

With that thought in mind, Emmett slowly turned around.

Hoping, still praying that he wouldn't crash and burn with this resilient wind that carried a mind of its own, still wishing that it would take him to some paradisical place instead of a disastrously decay.


Author's Note-Greetings to all! How is everyone doing? Hopefully well because, one can never be too sure amidst such circumstances. I know that it rather seems impossible and quite unimaginable but believe me, we'd get out of this crisis. We ought to have faith in humanity and we need to take good care of ourselves, so please, do not risk your lives aimlessly,  take precautions wherever necessary and try to hold on, yeah? Moving on, this chapter is kind of a filler but fillers are often of importance, so I hope that you'd give it a read and don't forget to vote and leave comments, I am really looking forward to reading them. I know it is hard to gain readers in such a short amount of time, but I am grateful to everyone who has given it a read till now, your support means a lot to me. As usual, I will see you in the next chapter, so take care and stay safe :) 

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