Chapter 1

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Layra's POV ~

Beep Beep Beep. I open my eyes. I rolled over and reached over towards the beeping sound. I clicked a button and groaned. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I took a bath and looked in the mirror. There is a mark shaped like a moon with three stars on my cheek. I sighed putting a bandaid over it. I was an alpha but I was going to a new school and I didn't want to be used like I was before. I went back into my room and got dressed. I did some research a few nights before and I found out that I was getting a dorm and I packed my bags and sent my stuff over already. It was the weekend but I needed to be there soon. I went downstairs and ate breakfast. Afterward, I started getting ready to head over to the school. I said goodbye to my mom and left. I made it to the school and worked my way to the main office. I opened the principal's door and I was greeted by a tall lady with long green hair. "Morning Layra. Ready to start school here?" She asked. I nodded, "Of course Auntie Jade." I said. She smiled and handed me a key. "This is your dorm key. You have one roommate and your dorm has two master bedrooms so you won't have to share. Your stuff is already up in your room. Just a heads up placement day is coming up. I know you're an alpha so you don't need to participate. That day just stay in your dorm, I will handle the rest." She said. I smiled, Thanked her, and left. I walked up to my dorm. I opened the door and the first thing I saw was a girl with black hair on the couch. She noticed me. "Who are you, mutt?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. "This is my dorm. Are you my dorm mate?" I asked. "That is no way to talk to your alpha. And no I am not my boyfriend." She said. I walked to the room that had my name on it. "First of all, You are not my alpha. Second of all, I can tell already that you weren't born alpha. Third of all, I can smell the omega scent on you so you must either be an omega dating an alpha or you are cheating on your boyfriend." I said opening my door. "So have a good morning, mutt." I said closing my door. I sighed and looked around the room. There were boxes everywhere. I unpacked everything and set my room up. I did a good job I think. They gave me a nice bookshelf/TV stand in front of my bed. I sat on my bed to relax when the door opened. I saw a tall boy with short, fluffy, purple hair walk in. He had an alpha mark on his cheek. It was a Diamond. "Sorry about my girlfriend. She thinks that she is alpha even though I haven't marked her yet. I'm Jack." He said. I looked out my window. "I know. I spent some of my childhood here. We were childhood friends before I had to move." I said. He looked at me confused and realized who I was. "Oh my goodness. Now I am really sorry about Lilly. She had no right talking to you like that. Sorry Layra." Jack said. I smiled at him. "It's no problem. And can you keep me being an alpha under wraps. I'm not comfortable telling anyone yet. Plus, you're the alpha of this school, I don't want to take that away from you." I said. "I understand. So you won't be at placement day monday?" He asked. I shook my head. "No, Auntie Jade said that I don't have to." I said. "Sounds good. Do you want to go get a coffee and catch up? There's a Starbucks nearby." He asked. I smiled, "Of course." I said. I grabbed my sketch pad and computer and put them in my bag. I put the bag on my back and we left. We walked down to the starbucks. There were two people standing in line. "Hey, Morning Zack, Morning Thomas." Jack said. The two people turned to look at us. "Morning alpha." They both said. The one on the left had back and red hair covering his eye. The eye I could see was red. The person standing next to him had pastel purple and pink hair with pink and purple eyes. "Zack you know you don't have to call me that. You're an alpha too." Jack said to the boy on the left. He rubbed the back of his head. "I know it's just I don't like thinking of myself as an alpha. I don't like being thought of as an alpha." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Zack here is a special wolf. He is a wolf that has a role between your normal alpha and beta. He is an alpha without a mark." "Who is that?" Thomas asked. "Oh, Ya. This is Layra she just moved here. I'm her childhood friend so she is dorming with me." Jack explained. Everyone ordered and we all sat down at a table. "So you know me, but who are you?" I asked. "Oh, I'm Thomas. I'm Gay if yo didn't notice already. And He is Zack." Thomas said. He put his hand up to his mouth. "He is single if you want him." Thomas said. Zack elbowed him. He blushed. 'Well he is cute.' I thought to myself. "So do you guys also live on campus?" I asked. "Ya they do. They live next door to us." Jack said. I smiled, "That is cool." I said. We chatted for an hour or two. I noticed the time. "We should get going. Thomas and I have a practice to go to. We have a concert in a few days and we are doing a full run through today." Zack said. My eyes widened. "If you don't mind me asking. Can I come with you? I want to see more of the campus and town. It's been a while since I was here." I asked shyly. Zack smiled, "We'd love it if you came with us." He said. I looked at him. We said goodbye to Jack and Zack promised to bring me back in one piece. They guided me to a building. We walked inside. "Hey Zack. We have been waiting for you. We need a mic test." A man said. "Of course, Mike." Zack said walking into an auditorium. "Who is this?" Mike asked. "She is new here. Her name is Layra. She wanted to see us practice." Zack said putting his stuff next to the stage. He went up to the stage. He started singing. His voice was so smooth. The band started playing and sat down in the back and brought out my sketch pad. I started drawing the first thing that came to mind. It is how I work I don't think, I just draw. I finished the drawing and looked at it. It was a drawing of Zack. I looked up and noticed that the band was about to take a break. I started coloring the picture. "Hey Layra come down here." I heard a voice yell at me. It was Thomas. I got up and brought my sketch pad with me. I got down there and everyone greeted me. "Everyone, this is Layra. She is new here. Let's make her feel at home." Zack said. Everyone introduced themselves. "Hey Layra, Do you know how to sing?" Zack asked. I looked over towards him. "Ya I do but I don't think I'm very good." I said. "Go head. I believe in you." I got up on the stage and started singing a song I wrote. *Symphony by clean bandit* "I've been hearing symphonies. Before all I heard was silence. A rhapsody for you and me. And every melody is timeless. Life was stringing me along. Then you came and you cut me loose. Was solo singing on my own. Now I can't find the key without you. And now your song is on repeat. And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat. And when you're gone, I feel incomplete. So if you want the truth. I just wanna be part of your symphony." I sang, "Will you hold me tight and not let go? Symphony. Like a love song on the radio. Will you hold me tight and not let go?" I finished and I looked at everyone. Their eyes were wide. I looked down embarrassed. "Zack, you need to watch her. She might steal your spotlight." A voice said. I looked up towards where the voice was. There was a girl with pink hair. "Luna is that you?" I asked. "You betcha girly." The girl said. "I knew I would find you again besty." I said. "You know each other?" Zack asked. "Well you know how I moved here last year. Well Before I moved she was my Best Friend. We went through middle school and high school together." Luna said walking towards the group. "And Layra, What did I tell you about doubting your talents." She said. "I shouldn't." I said jumping off the stage. Zack noticed my sketch pad. "What did you draw." He asked. I blushed in embarrassment, "I drew you. I'm sorry that I didn't ask." I said. He looked shocked, "No, No It's ok." He said. "You don't have to show me if you don't want to." I smiled. "Thank you for understanding." I said. They went back to practice and Luna and I went and watched them. When they finished Zack and I walked back to the dorms. It was getting late, We were almost to the dorms when Zack asked me a question. "Do you want to join the group? You are an awesome singer and you would be perfect for the co singer part. I have been looking for a wolf with a talent like yours. I know it is a few days before the concert so if you don't feel comfortable singing at the concert you can wait until the next one." Zack said. I thought about it. I would have plenty of time to do it since I only have 2 or 3 classes because I did extra classes at my high school. I looked at him, "I would love to. I agree that I won't be comfortable singing at this concert but maybe the next one." I said. "That's great. I will email Mike when I get home." He said. We made it back to our dorms and we said goodbye. I walked into the dorm and noticed a note on the kitchen counter. "Dear Layra, I have gone to a pack meeting. Won't be home until around midnight. I will try to be as quiet as I can. I made food for you. It's in the fridge, hope you like it. Your friend, Jack." I smiled and walked over to the fridge. There was a steak and some fruit. I ate dinner and went to my room. My room has my own bathroom connected to it. The bathroom has a toilet, Bath/shower, a sink, and some cabinets for personal stuff and other things. I had set up my bathroom already with my stuff in the cabinets, some towels, a mat for the floor, and a blue shower curtain. I took a shower and got my Pjs on. Earlier in the day Jack, Zack, Thomas, and I swapped numbers. I went into my bedroom and layed down on my bed. I looked at my phone and I had a message from Zack. 'Did you get something to eat?' He asked. 'Ya I did.' I replied. I layed down on my bed. It's been a long day. I might go look around campus and town or something like that. I fell asleep. I woke up and looked at my clock. It was about 9:30 am. I got up out of bed and went to the kitchen. I made myself some eggs and bacon. I sat down in front of the TV and turned on the news. The news was the normal stuff. I finished my breakfast and went back to my room to get changed. I put on a cute hoodie and some ripped jeans. I put my hair up in a cute ponytail and did my eyeliner. I put my bandaid on over my mark and went out. I went down to the town and did some shopping. I went home and dropped off my stuff. I wanted to go back to the spots I went to as a kid. I was walking to the park when I heard something. "Give up runt. You aren't strong enough to win in a fight against us. You're just a little omega." A voice said. I walked toward the voice. There were a bunch of middle schoolers ganging up on this little kid. "Leave him alone." I said. The middle schoolers turned to me. "And what if we don't. You smell like an Omega too. But you also smell like an Alpha. It's probably nothing. Must be your boyfriend's scent." One of the kids said. "You want to try to fight me. I don't suggest you do." I said. They smiled. All at once they attacked me. I dodged and returned the attack. I made sure not to hurt them too bad just enough so they learn a lesson. They ran away and I helped the little boy up. "Thank you miss." He said running off. I smiled, I'm always happy to help. I was about to go back home when I heard another voice. "Hey I heard you were picking on my little brother." The voice said. I turned around to see this buff wolf. I was about to defend myself but I was too late. The man attacked me. He was so quick. The only thing I could do was the only thing I promised myself to not do. I used my powers and stopped him. He still was able to get a good few hits in before he was stopped though. He realised what happened and stopped. "Your one of those alphas aren't you." He said. I looked away. I could feel the blood flowing down my face. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know." He said. "I know you didn't mean it. Just protecting your brother. Just don't tell anyone." I asked of him. "I promise I won't." He said bowing and running off. I teleported home. I was walking to my dorm when I was stopped. "Layra what happened to you?" A voice ahead of me said. It was Zack, He rushed over to me. "Come with me. You need to be patched up. He brought me to his dorm and sat me down on the couch. We went to get the first aid kit. He came back and started by doing his best healing me and bandaged me up for the rest. I felt dizzy and nauseous. Zack check my blood sugar. It was low. He went over to the kitchen and brought me a chocolate bar. I ate it and I started feeling a bit better. "So can you tell me what happened." Zack said. I explained what happened. "Ya stuff like that is common around here. I don't know why, it just is." Zack said. We chatted for a few minutes until I felt good enough to walk. "We have one more Practice tomorrow before the concert if you would like to come watch us again." Zack said. I could tell that he was embarrassed to ask. I smiled. "I'd love to. I hope the others won't mind." I said. "Why should they. You are one of us now." Zack said. I looked at him. "I'm one of you guys now? They agreed?" I asked. He nodded. "Your voice is magical. Everyone thinks so." He said. My eyes lit up. "You really think so? The only person who has said that to me was Luna and I thought she only said that because we are best friends." I said. Zack laughed. I don't know why but I feel at ease with Zack. I got up and said goodbye. I went back to the dorm and hung up my clothes and put the rest away. I did some work on my computer and worked on commissions. I didn't get many but when I did I made sure they looked perfect. It was dinner time when I finished. I knew that Jack was bringing home food but I didn't know his girlfriend would be there. I took my food and ate it in my room. When I finished I just went to bed. The next morning I packed my stuff and went to the practice. Everyone had Monday off because of Placement day. The practice was going to be all day so I brought my chargers and headphones. I sat in my corner like last time drawing the band this time. I turned on some music to help me focus. I didn't realise I was singing until I noticed that the band wasn't playing. I looked up at them embarrassed. "Sorry." I whimpered. I didn't like the attention being all on me. I could feel my heart racing. I got up to calm myself down. I knew singing helped but I didn't want to disturb the band. I walked out into the hallway where no one could hear me. I took a deep breath and just started singing. I felt so much better. I went back to the auditorium and finished my drawing. By the time I finished the group was getting ready to go to lunch. They asked if they could get me anything and I told them what I wanted. They asked if I was sure I didn't want to come with and I said ya I'm sure. Zack said he would stay with me but he needed to go do something really quick first. They all left and I was alone. I went up to the stage. There was a piano on the stage. I have been learning piano since I was little. It's one of the things that makes me happy. I started singing and playing the song I sang a few days ago, Symphony. I didn't notice that Zack had walked back into the room. I was so into the song that I didn't care what was happening around me. "I've been hearing symphonies. Before all I heard was silence. A rhapsody for you and me. And every melody is timeless. Life was stringing me along. Then you came and you cut me loose. Was solo singing on my own. Now I can't find the key without you. And now your song is on repeat. And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat. And when you're gone, I feel incomplete. So if you want the truth. I just wanna be part of your symphony. Will you hold me tight and not let go? Symphony. Like a love song on the radio. Will you hold me tight and not let go?" I sang. "I'm sorry if it's all too much." Zack joined in. My eyes widened and I blushed. "But everyday you're here, I'm healing. And I was running out of luck. Never thought I'd find this feeling. Cause I've been hearing symphonies." He continued walking up onto the stage. "Before all I heard was silence. A rapsody for you and me. And every melody is timeless." He sang. "And now your song is on repeat and I'm dancing on to your heartbeat. And when you're gone I feel incomplete. So if you want the truth I just want to be part of your symphony. Will you hold me tight and not let go. Symphony. Like a love song on the radio. Will you hold me tight and not let go?" I sang. We harmaised and continued together. "And now your song is on repeat. And I'm dancing on to your heartbeat. And when you're gone I feel incomplete. So if you want the truth. I just want to be part of your symphony." We sang. "Will you hold me tight and not let go? Symphony. Like a love song on the radio. Ahh Symphony. Will you hold me tight and not let go? Symphony. Like a love song on the radio. Will you hold me tight and not let go?" I finished. "Your voice is truly magical." Zack said. I blushed. "So you know how to play piano." Zack said, trying to change the subject. "Ya, I have been playing since I was little. It makes me happy. Singing also makes me happy." I said, standing up. "I can tell." He said. I smiled at him. He noticed something. "I'm just wondering, Why do you cover your eye?" He asked. I looked away. "That's something I don't like talking about. I'm sorry.." I said. "You can trust me. I understand that some things you can't tell others." Zack said. I could tell that I could trust him. I moved my hair aside. "It's weird. My eyes being different colors, I get made fun of all the time back at high school. I hate it." I said. "No, it's cute. Really, It makes you unique." Zack said. "You think it's....cute?" I asked. "Ya, It is." Zack said. I blushed, "No one has ever told me that. Not even Jack." I said. "You know. Tomorrow is the concert. Many tickets got sold. If you want to come with us, you can." Zack said. My eyes lit up. "I'd love to." I said. We sat on the edge of the stage. We talked about life and I showed him some of the drawings I have done. The rest of the group got back and we ate lunch. They did some more practice and we all went out to dinner. I talked about my time in my old town and my old life. We went home after dinner. I opened my door and I saw Lilly sitting on the couch cuddling Jack. I didn't want to bother them so I went over to Zacks dorm. I knocked on the door. Zack opened the door. "What's wrong Layra?" Zack asked. "Lilly is cuddling Jack. She doesn't like me. So I didn't want to bother them." I said. "Oh, You can stay the night here if you want." Zack said. I came in, His dorm looked similar to mine. I sat down on the couch. "I can sleep here." I said. "Ok but Thomas and I have a movie night every monday." Zack said. "That's cool." I said. Thomas gave me some Pjs to wear. We watched a movie. I was really tired. I didn't notice that I fell asleep on Zack. I didn't mean to but he was sitting next to me so my head just ended up on his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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