left out

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Todoroki walked out of his door quietly, trying not to anger his father. It was a nice day and todroki had to be crazy to not leave the house and walk through the park close to his house. He put his shoes on and walked outside the gate, he took his phone out of his pocket and called midoriya to see if he wanted to go to hang out at the new ice-cream shop down the road.

'Hi im busy at the moment call back later'

'That was weird it never goes to voice mail'

Midoriya was the type of person to always answer, sometimes it was even his mother.

'He's just busy todoroki stop being clingy'

Todoroki just carried on his usual walk through the park, there was a quiet,empty area that he liked the most. No one, except occasional dog walkers, went there. Leave where landing on the floor making it an orange colour, it was something todoroki always loved. The calm breeze was helping relax the teenager he had a few calls coming from agents asking if he could come in to promote the businesses.

He had been walking for five minutes when he had gotten to the bench he normally sits on, he sat down leaning back relaxing wishing he coukd just melt into the wood of the seat. Oh how much easier live would be if he wasn't noticed and left to do his own thing, sometimes todoroki even wished to be bakugou so he would be intimidating enough to be left to his life. His phone ringing broke the silence.


"Ahh mr.shoto todoroki i have a deal with you, we will have multiple meetings meaning that you may have to be taken out of class"

"Yes, that can be arranged i will have to talk to my father, Mr. Enji todoroki but i will call you back within a business week with the answer"

"Thank you for letting me have the chance. Il be going now"


Todoroki let out a sigh knowing that he would now have to be heading home to inform his father of the call he received. He was making his way the entrance of the park when he recognised shouting,he looked to the left and saw the entirety of class 1a, including mineta.

'Why wasn't i invited'

He let out another sigh then carried on walking, he heard someone shouting and running towards him. Todoroki stopped walking then span around midoriya and denki where stood there out of breathe.

"Hey wanna hang out with us"

"Umm... no sorry midoriya im going to see my mother"

"Isnt the hospital that way"

Todroki just carried on walking ignoring the calls after him, he had to get home quick. The class hadn't noticed but this wasn't the first time they left him out inviting everyone else even mineta and some of class 1b. Todoroki knew was cold towards some but the class rather have a pervert then someone who wasn't good at social interaction.

He expected the so called bakuquad and the other classmates but his own grouo of friends, he tried to bring it up to the dekuquad but they quickly shut it down stating that they thought that was the day he visited his mum and didnt want to seem pressured into hanging out with them.

Reaching his home, todoroki walk through the door and received a hug from fuyymi and natsuo, he told his father about the call and excused himself. He walked upto his room and locked the door he couldn't take the pressure. Dropping to the floor he tried to wipe his tears away but they kept coming.

Todoroki looked at his phone to see multiple texts sent from his class asking if he was ok, he sent back that he was fine and currently busy. He turned his phone off again and crawled onto his bed wrapping himself up with the blanket his mum had made him, each sibling had gotten one each a diffrent colour toya's was red, natsuo's was white, fuyumi's was baby blue and todroki's was purple.

He also pulled toya's from his draw, it still had the sent of smoke and roses on it.

Todorki was soon pulled into a sleep unknown of the text messages being sent.

Hey,so this is the first chapter and its not that good but oh well i have planned the next couple of chapters but need to write them out so the next chapter should be ready for Wednesday. Im going to try my best and post a chapter two times a week on both sunday and Wednesday. There is going to be a lot of angst hopefully.

If i spelt anything wrong or used grammar incorrect i apologise just comment where and ill attempt to change it when i get the chance.

Sorry for the rant
This chapter was not edited.
Hope you enjoyed reading.
Bye! ^_^

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