Hello so this is for jannie_rocks
So jannie your covers are too basic you don't use any graphic designs you just look for pictures and put names on them, all your covers except the first cover UNBROKEN I saw real filter and graphics in that one, but the rest just look like you took a picture bamm you write on it, please change that. Because you are a really good graphic designer and you have potential so keep goingYour grade :B-
Fireball_Storm10 :well your covers are very confusing and don't go with the story line, your first cover was really confusing, and the second cover didn't look like fantasy, it looked like Teenfictoin or chick lit
Grade: c-beautygold7:I haven't received anything grade=F
superiorGeek14167:haven't received anything grade:F
the rising star graphic school
Aléatoireopen(■)hiatus() hiring(★) closed() let's shine, brighter than a shooting star☆☆☆☆