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Boscha POV:

The show went off without a hitch, everyone in the crowd going crazy after each song. And now, we were packing up all of our equipment, getting ready to head back to the studio before going home for the night. 

I leaned against one of the speakers backstage, scrolling through Penstagram. There were a lot of posts about our show, people showing off small clips of the show, some showing selfies with the stage behind them, others just showing off their merch. 

"What were you even thinking!" Matt roared, jabbing a finger into Emira's chest. I glanced up at the two, watching as Edric tried to separate the two of them. 

"Listen, it's not like I tried knock over his drums on purpose! It was dark, I couldn't see!" She pushed Matt back slightly, who looked like he was about to self combust out of anger. 

"This is why we make light spells!" He hissed, drawing a small light spell to show off his point. Emira shook her head, rubbing the bridge of her nose. 

"Matt, if I did make a light spell, no matter how small it was, it'd show off where I was at." She muttered, clearly done arguing with him. "And besides, if I did break his drums in any way, we could have fixed them with magic, simple as that." 

Emira then walked away from Matt, who was still fuming. Edric held him back, making sure he didn't try to go after her. Even from where he was, I could hear the long string of curses that was coming out of his mouth. He shoved Edric away from him, then stomped off somewhere backstage. 

The twins walked over towards me, both of them shaking their heads. "He has a really short temper some days." Edric muttered, glancing back at where Matt was. 

"Hey, it's almost as short as his height." I joked, making both the Blight twins laugh. 

"I say it's shorter than his height, if that's even possible." Emira remarked, making the three of us laugh even harder. Edric wiped his eyes, taking a deep breath before looking around. 

"Hey, have you seen Mittens around?" He asked, to which I shook my head. 

"Haven't seen her since the show. She probably stepped out for some fresh air." I said, looking down at my scroll for a moment before looking back up at the green haired witches. They both looked at each other, then shrugged. "Well, do you mind finding her? We're gonna start loading up the equipment." 

Nodding, I put away my scroll and walked deeper backstage, searching for the youngest Blight. "Amity?" I called, peering around a corner. Instead of Amity, I found Matt who was winding up one of the mic cords. 

He looked over at me, then furrowed his brows before scoffing. "What do you want?" Matt asked me, his tone bitter. 

"Have you seen Amity?" I asked, he jabbed a thumb to the right. 

"Last I saw her, she was over there. She's having some kind of crisis." He muttered, clearly annoyed by my question. 

"Thanks Matt." I walked towards the direction he pointed to, hearing him say a few things under his breath that I couldn't understand. 

"Yeah whatever." Matt muttered, putting away the mic before grabbing another one to wind up its cord. 

I peered around the corner, finding the youngest Blight pacing back and forth in a box filled room. From where I stood, it looked like she was arguing with herself. One minute, she would have her hand over her mouth with her brows furrowed, and the next she would wave her hands around and shake her head. 

Quietly walking over to her, she was too deep in focus to notice me. "There's no way that was her..." She muttered, squinting her eyes as she continued to pace. 

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