Chapter 1 : The Maiden

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Artemis crept along with her huntresses, as silent as panthers. Someone had killed one of her sacred deer and consumed it's meat.

When Artemis first heard the news, she had been shocked. No one in the past century or two had the skill to capture and kill one of her deer.

It was probably some egotistical boy that tried to impress a girl, Artemis rationed with herself, scowling.

The thought of a male killing her deer made her pick up the pace. If Artemis didn't turn the male into a jackalope, he would die anyway from consuming the sacred meat. He had around 10 hours left if she didn't lift the curse.

Once they settle on the edge of a small clearing, Artemis looked around, surprised.

There was a small, handmade, wooden house surrounded by fruit trees and bushes and vegetable crops.

Through one of the cabin windows, Artemis could see a woman sitting on a rocking chair, coughing as she skinned a deer, taking the pelt as a blanket. She immediately recognize the pelt as the fur of her sacred deer.

Artemis stood stock still as she watched the woman work.

The deer meat should be causing excessive pain to the woman's body, enabling the woman to do nothing but lay down; but there she was, hacking her lungs out as she worked on her pelt. Even in a sickened state, she was gorgeous with her raven black hair and crystal blue eyes.

What was she doing here? Being so close to Camp Half-Blood was dangerous, even for mortals.

The woman coughed once more, blood dripping out of her mouth and nose. Artemis focued her power on the woman and realized that she was still a virgin, a maiden.

The maiden looked to be in her early twenties. She had determination and steel in her eyes as she wiped the blood away and continued to work.

"My Lady, there are no males in sight. What is to become of the maiden? She is alone," her lieutenant, Zoë, asked, bowing her head.

"This young maiden skillfully killed one of my sacred deer for food and the warmth of it's pelt; not for spite or sport. Therefor, I will lift the curse. . ." Artemis trailed off, thinking over her next course of action.

"My Lady?"

"I want her to become a huntress. She is still a virgin and has all the necessary skills already. She is qualified," Artemis mused thoughtfully.

"What is stopping you, if I may inquire?"

Zoë's words finalized her decision. Artemis chanted rapidly in Ancient Greek, lifting the curse off of the fair maiden.

Artemis watched the woman's spine straighten, the sickly sheen to her skin fade away, and her hooded eyes become more aware and alert.

She would become a great addition to the hunt.

In due time, the maiden, Lily, blossomed as the hunt reshaped her life. Her skill set with a bow and arrow rivaled Artemis' skill, her determination and kindness made all the other huntresses respect and look up to her.

It was impossible to not fall in love with Lily.

Her fierceness, her warm smiles, her mischief, everything drew Artemis to her.

She was sucked in from the day she met Lily, and doomed from the day she kissed her.


". . . I just don't understand it! Why is our world built for men? Can they make children inside their bodies? No! Women continue the circle of life! To men, it's just pleasure. A quick round and go!" Lily exclaimed, her hands making wild gestures and her eyes alight with passion.

Artemis sighed and sinked further into the grass, watching the stars.

"Just imagine how a woman's world would be like. Peaceful, progressive. . ." Artemis said, turning her head to look at Lily. Lily stared right back at her, the fire in her eyes toning down from a raging inferno to a mellow glow.

"You and me, Arty? Make this world a woman's world?" She whispered, her tone intense, but her volume low. Unable to form words, Artemis just nodded, dazed at her precarious use of words.

Slowly, her face got closer to her's until Lily's lips were on pressed against her's, hot and demanding.

Just then, when Artemis kissed back, she felt two life forces bubble up in her stomach.


Artemis sat in her tent, her head in her hands, tears slowly trailing down her pale face. Zoë sat silently next to her lady, rubbing her back gently.

Artemis had taken the hunters back to the clearing, saying that it was time that we visited Camp Half-Blood. Of course, that wasn't the real reason.

She need to drop off Lily and the children.

Her children.

As a goddess that made an oath to never fall in love, she had to abide by that oath, and she couldn't let the hunt down.

Artemis chanted the counter spell that turned Lily back into a mortal, retracting her vow. She watched Lily's home glow silver for a second before the light died down, her immortality gone.

Artemis exited her tent and crossed the clearing, Zoë supporting her with every step until they were at the foot of Lily's bed. Her eyebrows were furrowed, as if she knew something was taken from her.

Artemis expelled two life forces out of her and into her waiting arms. One boy and one girl appeared in her hands, both staring up at Artemis in wonder.

The girl had her auburn hair, her nose, the shape of her jaw; but everything else was Lily's. The boy was equally stunning with a full head of raven hair, moons for eyes, and the shape of her lips. Both children looked more like Lily than like Artemis.

Their names came to her mind as soon as she saw them. Elias and Elise.

Her heart broke as she set Elias down next to Lily. Artemis planted information about Elias in Lily's mind, the tears coming faster as she looked down at her daughter.

Artemis glanced at Zoë, feeling selfish and guilty. She didn't want to give up both of the children she'd ever had. Her lieutenant nodded at her, and she relaxed slightly.

Artemis could tell the hunters that she found Elise in a man's home, crying as the man drank his life away.

She was tempted to bring Elias with her, to say that Elise was his sister, but the hunt would never accept a male into it's ranks, and that was her fault for saying that all men were the same vile creatures.

Her son.

He was anything but vile, her free hand brushing over his soft cheeks and his raven hair in longing.

His tiny hand caught her finger as she pulled away, squeezing tightly. For a baby, he looked so mature, as if he understood what was happening. Her Elias gave one more tight squeeze before letting go, his moonlit eyes watching Artemis as she walked away with Elise.

Her son.

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