Chapter VIII- The Date

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(Before this chapter begins I would like to add a minor cuss warning, and I mean one word. Sorry if this upsets anybody).

It was beautiful outside, and Roman took me to so many places that I had never been. He took me to a park, through which we had a stroll, then he showed me to a wonderful restaurant, where each waiter was dressed up in some cool cosplay. We had a table in the back, as he knew I wasn't really much of a people person. We had talked for hours, just eating and talking, getting to know each other. He asked me what had inspired my new look, so I told him that this is who I am, and I just wanted to show it. 

When we left the restaurant, we headed to an arcade. It was the first arcade I'd ever been to, and I really enjoyed it. We played every game in the arcade, even dance battle, which I won, guitar legend arcade edition, which I won, and air hockey, which he won. He did one of those grabber machines, to get a panda teddy bear. He did it after a couple attempts, and after that, we counted up all of our tickets. We had 278 tickets between us. We split then evenly between us, and got the other a gift. I got Roman a Disney Colouring book and pencil case, and a plain black stationary set, which included coloured pencils. He loved it. He got me a photo in a frame. The photo was of the two of us, that we'd taken on a photo booth in the arcade. He told me it was something I could keep to remember our first date. He also gave me a black plastic crown. He told me that he'd got me that because I was a prince in his eyes, the prince he'd hoped he would one day find. He got a black one because he knew it was my favourite colour.

'I have something to tell you,' I said cautiously.

'You can tell me anything, you know that,' he said with a cute, comforting smile.

'Would you like to know my real name? I just told you to call me Anxiety when we met, and I feel like I can trust you not to think it's really weird and-' He put a single soft finger to my lips, cutting me off. 

'Hello, my name is Roman Royal,' he reintroduced himself to me.

'Hello, my name is.......Virgil.....Night.' I replied.

'Why did you thing there was anything wrong with your name?' He asked.

'I just think it's.....strange,' I told him.

We left the arcade pretty soon after and went for a slow walk along the beach, talking for hours as we walked. We found a stick, so we wrote our names in huge letters in the sand, in a heart. By this time the sun was setting. He said he had one more place he wanted to take me. I asked him where we were going, but he told me that it was a surprise and that I'd just have to wait and find out. He took me up to a gorgeous clearing halfway up a mountain, from which you could see the whole city. 

'This is my favourite place to come when I want to be alone,' the Prince explained.

'It's beautiful,' I sighed.

He pointed toward the beach we'd just come from, 'look.'

I could still see our names where we'd written them- Virgil Night & Roman Royal.

I turned to Roman and said, 'Roman, I-'

'Virgil, I... I don't know how to put this...' he began, 'I love you, I think you're so adorable, and unique. I knew when I first met you: he's the one for me. Every time I see you, i get butterflies in my stomach, and every time we talk, your voice puts me in some kind of trance, like you are the only important thing around me, and the more time I spend with you, the more time I want to spend with you.'

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was tearing up, and I swear my heart is going to break out of my chest it is pounding that hard. He brought out the panda bear he won at the arcade and held it out to me. Then he carried on speaking.

'Virgil, you are like a drug, personally designed for me, i can't help it, I'm addicted. You've lit up my world. I want- no I need- to know everything about you. I need you in my life, Virgil. And I know we've just met, but I don't care. So, Virgil Night, will you be my boyfriend?'

'Oh my god, I, I, I love you too. And I have been developing a crush on you since I saw your face. And when I saw you become disappointed when Patton told you I wasn't joining you, on my first day, before we'd even met, I knew you were the one for me. Oh Shit.'

I just let slip about one of my powers. I just hoped he wouldn't notice, but I knew he would.

'What?' He added simply. 'You weren't there, how could you have seen it?'

What do I do?  I asked myself. I wracked my brain for some kind of excuse, but I couldn't think of anything other than to tell him the truth.

'I can explain everything, but do you hate me? Do you still want me to be your boyfriend?' I asked, sounding worried.

'Of course I don't hate you, I love you, and I still need you to be my boyfriend,' he reassured me, 'just tell me what's going on.' 

I sighed, 'Can we go home? Can I explain in my room? I don't want to risk anyone overhearing. It's pretty late, so Logan and Patton should be asleep.' 

'Sure, but we are a while away, so I hope you don't mind walking for a bit.' He told me.

'Oh, it's fine, take my hand,' I said before looking around to make sure nobody would see, and extending my hand out to him.

He took it, cautiously, yet curiously and confidently, and I teleported us back to my room.

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