Chapter XXVI -M- Surprise

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"What do you mean you don't know?"

He looks at Vincent with a grateful expression and I see Vincent nod before leaving.

"I have no idea, but I'll found out sooner or later."

I guess Vincent had something to do with how they found us, not that it really matters. I only really care about being able to hug Dylan again.

"I'm glad you did. I knew you would." I rest my head on his shoulder enjoying being near him again.

"How did you know that?"

I shrug, "I just knew you would search for me."

"Glad you know. Even if you had just left I would search for you until I found you and convince you to come back. I won't ever give up on us. I can't." I raise my head to look him in the eyes with a gigantic grin.

"Awwnn, you are so sweet sometimes." I pinch his cheek before I can help it.

"Sometimes?" He raises an eyebrow which makes me laugh.

"Well there are also times where you are a little dense." I pretend like I'm thinking about such a time.

"I have no clue what you are talking about." He tries not to laugh but fails.

Our laughter is interrupted by a cough. Vincent is back.

"I ordered the man to move Adrien. I'll go with them and when the coast is clear have Jared, Matt and you carry the tank into the SUV parked on the front."

Dylan gets up and nears Vincent.

"Thank you, man. This wouldn't be possible without you."

"Don't sweat it." They side hug and Dylan returns to my side. "Is good to see you're well, Meleah. Keep that one in check will you?"

"Of course. Thank you for everything." I respond but he simply nods and leaves.

Soon we hear a few cars passing by, probably them and I remember that Elizabeth is hurt.

"We need to hurry and get Lizzie to the sea."

Dylan agrees and we join the others. In a blink the tank is in the SUV. Me and Dylan seat near it so I can talk to Lizzie, while Jared drives and Matt pretends to be a decent co-pilot.

Lizzie asks, "Are you coming with me, I could use your help talking to my parents".

"To be honest I would prefer not to. However, I need to talk to them too, I want to stay on land, for good."

"I'm sure they'll agree with that."

"I really need to tell both of you something." We look at Dylan with curiosity. "I discovered that Honey was missing thanks to Thea, she showed up."

"Really?!" Thea came to the human world? For me?

"She told me some disturbing news, the King and Queen died on their way back to the Kingdom."

"WHAT?" We shout.

"I'm sorry, they're gone." Dylan pats my hand in a comforting way. Not that I am that troubled but it is a bombshell.

"That can't be true." Elizabeth is clearly distress.

"That means... Elizabeth, you're the Queen now." Dylan continues. I didn't think of that, too shocked by the news.

"Yeah... You're right. This is quite a shock." She answers.

"Are you feeling ok?" What a stupid thing to ask but I do anyway. I didn't have any love for the Royals, but they were her parents.

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