New Life, New Beginning.. Maybe

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Part 2 of AKVWZL as requested by xxNicole_1Dxx

Glad you like it! :)

~New Life, New Beginning~

My neck hurt as I felt my blood turn cold. I saw my skin turn pale and somewhat moldy. Eww. Why is Zayn staring at me like that? Is there something on my face? Does my breath smell?

"Aryana?" Zayn whispered tears forming along his eyes. I heard a groan from behind me. I turned around. Louis is a zombie?!?! But, but... I saw him earlier.. looking okay.. just covered in blood. Wait, I just remembered that he bit me. Does that mean I'm a zombie, too? No wonder Zayn looks so shocked.

I tried to say something, but all that came out was a growl. I hear footsteps come from behind me and Zayn looks more terrified. I don't exactly want to see what was behind me, but I'm thinking it was Harry, Liam, and Niall judging from what he said next...

"H-Har...L-Li...N-Ni.." he choked out before screaming and running away. Niall, still having his vampire powers as a zombie, walked like a human after him. He's pretty fast for a zombie. I felt an arm wrap around my waist. It was Harry.

"Together, forever..." he groaned. I pushed him off, but he just won't let go. Seems like zombie or not, Harry would not give up. Wa-wai-wait! WHERE DID LIAM AND LOUIS GO?! Okay, conclusion: Harry scared them off. What am I gonna do with him? Somehow, I still feel human. That's odd. My skin is an odd color of cotton candy pink.

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON! DID YOU JUST DUMP PAINT ALL OVER ME?!" I screamed. I heard laughter come from behind me. Umm, I thought we were zombies. I felt a sudden breeze and saw Niall, looking... human.

"Someone explain to me what's going on?" I commanded, but turned into more of a question.

Niall scratched the back of his head. "I'm not so sure what happened, but I think it has something to do with the fact that I bit Zayn..." he trailed off. I didn't know what I was feeling. Shock, anger, relief? Mixed emotions? Definately. Then I felt the weight of 3 bodies on top off me.

"So, uhh... Ary, we cool?" Harry asked. I thought about it for a moment.

"Did you apologize for killing Louis in the first place?" I asked, mentally smirking.

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't know what came over me. It's like something was controlling me befo-" I cut him off.

"Harry, I'm kidding. And I get what you mean.You guys didn't seem like yourselves." I laughed then became serious. "Are you guys still... ya know, killer, vampire, werewolf, zombie?"

"Nope." They all chorused and I felt an extra body topple on top of the pile.


"What did eat?"

"Mrphh" was all I heard.

I pretended to hyperventilate. "Guys... can't...breathe...GET... off" I breathed sounding helpless at the end. The extra weight was lifted from my body, but I lay still. I pretended to not be able to breathe, or even alive.

"Aryana?" I heard Liam's accent say. "Are you okay?"

"Is she alive?" I heard footsteps come closer to me.

My eyes shot open. "Blarghhh!!!" I yelled. They jumped back in suprise. I just laughed at their stupidity.

"So, I guess this is the beginning of a new life?" Louis asked as we all walked around.

"Well, let's see... You're not a zombie anymore. Harry wasn't the killer. Niall isn't as pale as he used to be. And Liam isn't fighting with him and howling at the moon." I summed up. "Yeah, I guess so." I quickly nodded.

"What about Zayn?" Liam asked. I was about to respond, but stopped in my tracks to be approached by a wanted poster of Zayn.

"I guess we just found out." I said.

So sorry for ending it like that.

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