Chapter 4

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Chachi's POV.
It's finally the day I leave. It's 8:00 in the morning on a Friday. Of course I was not going to go to school since my flight leaves at 10:20. I have to leave the house by 10:00 at least. I have to take a shower. Once I'm done I take out a black tank top since I'm going to LA. Then I pull out my zippered Chachimomma sweatpants. Then of course I put on my vans. My grey vans. Then I drive my hair and curl parts of it. I then thought I'd put on some makeup since I have some time since it is 9:08. I put on some concealer and powder. I then put on my eyeliner and mascara. I then do my eyebrows which I barely do. Then lastly I put on pink neutral lipstick. I then put on some foundation on my scars. Yes I cut. It make the pain go away. No one has ever found out because I put on some foundation over it and I also put on bracelets. I then check the time and it's 9:30. I go to my suitcases and bring them down stairs. While I'm downstairs I see my mom. My father is at work I already said by to him. My sister is at college in North Carolina. My mom helps me out my bags in the trunk of her car and then I go back inside the house and grab a water bottle and of course a pack of pop tarts. By the time I finish its now time I should be leaving. I get to the airport and say my goodbyes. I go through security. I then found Starbucks and I just had to go in. I'm not a white girl either, but Starbucks is delicious. I walk in. Wait on the line and finally it's my turn.
" Welcome to Starbucks what would you like." A lady said
" I would like a small vanilla bean." I said with a smile
"What is your name." She said with the cup in her hand and a sharpie
" Chachi C H A C H I." I said
" $5:00" she said (IDK how much it actually is lol)
I smiled and waited for my drink until I finally got it. I walked out and was looking down. I bumped into someone and my whole drink spilled on my sweater. Good thing I wore a sweater. I would of splashed it on my shirt. It was cold. I looked up and saw a guy with green eyes and light brown hair. He looked almost my age, but I'm guessing he's probably 18 or 19. (Let's just say he looks like Connor Franta, but it isn't him)
" Oh my god I'm so sorry. Let me help you clean it up." He said
" Ok.'' I said with a slight frown. We walked back into Starbucks got tissues and he helped me clean it up.
"Let me buy you a new drink. I feel really bad." He said with a frown
" Ok sure I guess." I said without emotion
He bought me a new drink,I checked the time and it was already 10:10.Uh oh I have to go.
" My flight is almost about to leave. I have to go Bye." I said grabbing my stuff and about to run
" I didn't catch your name.'' He said
"It's Olivia,but I prefer Chachi."'I said with a smile running of
I saw him give a smirk as I ran of. I got into the plane and plugged in my headphones. I'm ready for this long boring ride. I felt my eyes getting heavier and soon I fell asleep. I felt my self being swayed so I open my eyes
" Mam we have landed." The lady said
I looked around and saw a couple of people still on the plane. I then got my bag and left the plane. I then had to get my actual luggage which took a while. I then was expecting someone to hold up my name. I saw a guy looking all fancy and he had my name on a sighn. I walked up to him
" I'm Olivia Chachi Gonzalez." I said with a smile
He looked down since I was smaller then him. He smiled and motioned me to follow him. I have to admit it was scary him not saying anything. I went to the back and of course got the adapter and played music. We then cam to a stop and I saw a hotel so I got out and said thank you got my bags and went inside. It was fancy. Like really fancy. I walked up to the reception.
"I'm Olivia Chachi Gonzalez I have a room reserved for me here." I said to the lady
She typed into her computer then looked up at me.
"Ah yes. You have room 105 with Mahogany Gordy." She said as she gave me a Key
"Than you.'' I said as I took the key and went to find my room

Taylor's POV.
All of us guys were hanging out with Mahogany in her room since it's the biggest. She's here by herself and its a huge room. Why does she get it. I guess since she's a girl. There's another bed here so maybe someone else is going to stay here. Matthew still is not here. Maybe it's him. We were al, talking and stuff until we saw the door open. I saw...

So who do you think it is? Well I hope you liked it.

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