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I was at home when I got a call it was from an unknown number
Fr: hello?
?: hi is this Frankie Hathaway
Fr: who's asking
?: my name is mick Bronson I saw you and your sister at kareoke a few days ago your really talented
Fr: thanks?
M: I'm offering you a record deal
I burst out laughing
Fr: funny
M: I'm not joking
Fr. This is a prank I know it is
M: come to ####<<<<<####### in about an hour this is no prank
Fr: ok
I get dressed and head over there, they take me to a room

 This is a prank I know it isM: come to ####<<<<<####### in about an hour this is no prankFr: ok I get dressed and head over there, they take me to a room

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Fr: holy shit
M: told you it's not a prank
Fr: I see that now
M: can you sing a song
Fr: sure
I head into the booth and sing:

M: perfect get your sister and I'll consider a world tour
Fr: seriously?
M: seriously
I leave to find tomika I text her to meet me there at first she didn't believe me but after I showed her the studio she did
M: I still need to hear you sing
T: ok
She gets in the booth and sings:

M: you got the tour
T: seriously
M: yes now go pack
Fr: ok
We left we packed our clothes we weren't leaving for a month he said we could only bring a few people on since the bus had a maximum of four people including us
T: shit how are we supposed to tell the gang
Fr: what about Zack and Freddy
Fr&T: fuck
Zacks POV
Frankie and Tomika walked in if your wondering how I tell them apart, Frankies hair is straight and Tomikas hair is curly plus  Frankie wears glasses, but she's recently been wearing contacts
Z: hey guys what's wrong
Fr: uhhh tomika is gonna tell you
T: you bitch
F: tell us what
E: what
Fr: (sighs) me and tomika were offered a record deal by mick Bronson and we're going on tour in a couple of weeks
Z: how long is the tour
Frankie pushes tomika
T: a year...
T: you can all say something other then "what"
E: sorry
Z: Frankie can I talk to you outside
F: yeah tomika I need to talk to you to
Fr&T: o-ok
Zack grabbed my hand and led me to the recording studio
Z: did you take it?
Fr: yes
Z: oh
Fr: I'm sorry
Z: you could have asked me before deciding to leave
Fr: it was the heat of the moment ok, I've always wanted to travel the world and this way I get paid and I'm doing it with tomika
Z: what about us
Fr: long distance?
Z: those never work
Fr: I love you though
Z: then what do we do
Fr: I can take you
Z: what
Fr: mick Bronson said we could take one person each
Z: what about summer or esme
Fr: Zack I love you and I want to be with you this way I can live my dream and be with you
Z: I love you too
We kissed and headed back to the classroom
Freddy dragged me out of the room and we went to the back of the school
F: what's gonna happen to us
T: what do you mean
F: I mean will we do long distance,will you call, will we break up
I felt tears in my eyes as he said break up
T: I don't know
F: what's going to happen
T: I can take you with me
F: hmm?
T: I can take someone with me and I choose you
F: are you sure
T: Freddy I love you of course I'm sure
F: I love you too
T: now kiss me already
He kissed me and we went back to the others

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