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After I snapped my fingers I ended up in their tour bus I saw a picture of me and Frankie on the wall of course everyone thought it was just her considering I don't show up in pictures just then they walk in zack grabs frankies hand and takes her to their room😉 tomika walks in Freddy kisses her but she sees me
T: meet me in the room Freddy
F: k babe
He left and she picked up her phone pretending to be on a call
T: Louie what are you doing
L: just hanging
T: leave
L: I want to eat
T: Louie I swear to god if you don't-
F: hey babe
T: yeah
F: you ok you sound mad
T: I'm fine just (glares at me) talking to someone, I'll be there in a minute
F: k
He left
T: please
L: fine but use protection
T: (chuckles) shut up 🤣
L: bye 😂
I snapped my fingers and left
T: finally 😅
Freddys POV
I heard her talking to Louie, does she like him? She was laughing she just walked in I'll ask her
F: hey babe
T: yeah
F: do you like Louie
She burst out laughing
T: babe Louie is just a friend
F: you sure
T: I'm sure plus I literally CANT be with him
F: why not
T: that's a story for another day
She kissed me and we fell asleep, but I can't get Louie out of my mind even though we're engaged, does she like him? She got up thinking I was asleep
Tomikas POV
I had a dream where I saw a skateboard, I know WEIRD, I decided to get it for Freddy Louie was there i got it for him last night, Louie just appeared so I pretended to be on a phone call
T: hey Louie
L: sup whatca doing
T: Gonna give the present to Freddy
L: hope he doesn't think it's crap
T: (giggles) don't tell Freddy about last night Louie or about this conversation
L: How would I tell him
T: true
L: I have to go I'm gonna be with my girlfriend this week
T: I gonna miss you
L: I'll miss you to
T: love you
L: love you to
He snapped his fingers and I heard the door slam I left to see an angry Freddy
T: baby what's wrong
F: who's Louie
T: what are you talking about
F: I heard your conversation "don't tell him about last night" and "I miss you" you thought I didn't see you leave last night
T: I-
F: don't
T: you know what, I left last night to get you this
I grabbed the skateboard it had his name engraved in it
T: Louie was with me I was telling him not to say anything
F: to-
T: and I was saying "I miss you" cause he's gonna be out with his GIRLFRIEND this week
F: I'm-
T: don't
I handed him the skateboard and left I see Frankie and zack
Fr: heyyy
T: what
Z: your a joy
T: shut it
Fr: so we heard what happened back there
T: oh
Fr: you ok
T: no, how could he think I would cheat on him and with LOUIE
Fr: I know it disgusts me too, don't tell Louie I said that
Z: why?
Fr: Just cause
T: enjoy it now Frankie it's not gonna be long till zack starts accusing you
Z: she's right
Fr: you accuse me once, I'll kill you,flee the country, and sell this ring
Z: and now she's wrong
F: hey babe
T: don't call me that
F: can you guys leave
Fr: no
T: they're not leaving
F: there's pizza on the counter
Frankie was doing everything she can not to run
F: pepperoni
Fr: (whimpers)
T: Frankie...
Fr: I'm sorry
She bolted out
Z: I'm gonna make sure she doesn't devour it
He left Freddy closed and locked the door
F: I'm sorry
T: I don't care you have to trust me when I say Louie is just a friend he's even helped us
F: what do you mean
T: I mean everytime I get a present for you I have Louie helps me cause he knows what you like, plus he even makes sure no guys flirt with me
F: how?
T: that doesn't matter, what matters is that you need to learn how to trust me
F: I'm sorry
T: I don't care
He got on top of me and started kissing my neck
T: Freddy no
F: why not
T: cause one I hate you right now and two get out
F: I'm gonna get you to forgive me
T: how?
He kissed me and took of his shirt and let's just say he's FORGIVEN
Frankies POV
I bolted out the door and started eating the pizza zack came out and just playfully shook his head and chuckled
Fr: what so funny?
Z: you and the fact that you can eat an entire pizza in less then five minutes
Fr: it's a gift that I treasure
Z: your a gift and I treasure you
I started blushing
Fr: zackkk
Z: am I doing anything baby
He knows I love being called that
Fr: stopppp
Z: stop what, can't I call my beautiful girlfriend amazing
Fr: I'm a tomato now
I was blushing so hard I'm suprised I hadn't passed out
Z: you know I love you right
Fr: and I love you
I kissed him and we heard moaning from the other room
Z: let's leave so we don't have to hear that
Fr: ok
We left and went on a walk a guy came up to me this is usually when Louie comes in but he wasn't anyone he was my Ex-Boyfriend
?: Frankie long time no see
Fr: (coldly) hello Jason
J: who's this
Fr: my boyfriend
J: how about you ditch him and we have some fun
Fr: (gags)
Z: don't worry we won't see him for long
J: you can't walk away but imma follow you
Fr: he means we're on a world tour so after the show tomorrow we're leaving
J: let's make the most of our time together
He said trying to grab my arm but Zack grabbed his and twisted it
J: ahhh
Z: bye now
We left and I kissed zack
Fr: thanks
Z: no problem
We went back to the trailer I saw tomika and Freddy in bed, Freddy was asleep while tomika was on her phone both were naked GROSS

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