{8} Poisons

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I was really surprised to see that only I and another guy passed the exam. I was expecting a little bit more. I'm not really complaining though. More people passing would mean that they would have to have another exam to narrow down the number of people. Chief Garak is leading me and the other apprentice where we would be working. To say I was excited was an understatement. I worked really hard for this and I'm glad that I was able to achieve the goal that I had set for myself.

"The two of you are the only ones this time who have passed the exam to become court herbalist apprentices. Higata, please wait a moment," Chief Garak stopped at a door and knocked, "I'm coming in," She slid open the door and I came to stand beside her. This would be where I'm working from now on. I can't wait. "This is Emiko, she's going to be your new assistant. She did an outstanding job on your test."

The boy, whose name was Ryu from what Chief Garak told me, that I had seen twice now was there. That's right. She told me that I would be working with him. He was sitting on the floor and seemed to be working something out on a large paper. Books and herb bottles surrounded him. He turned back to look at us, "I'm Ryu. Hello."

"If there's anything you have questions about, just ask him," Chief Garak told me. She motioned for Yatsufasa and Higata to keep moving down the hallway, "Come on, let's get back to work."

I stepped into the room, "Hi, I'm Emiko. It's great to formally meet you." I gave him a small bow.

Ryu didn't glance up from his paper. He just continued to work, "Same here. Could you close the door?"

"Yes, right!" I exclaimed, "I'll totally do that," I closed the door. I turned back to him, "Sorry about that. Ryu, sir?" Should I call him sir? I'm technically supposed to seeing as I work under him now, but it's kind of weird calling a child sir.

"Please don't call me 'sir.' In fact, you don't have to be formal at all." Ryu was quick to inform me.

"Sure." I nodded. I smiled at him, "I'll just use your first name if you would like that more, Ryu. Oh, I almost forgot," I reached into my bag to pull out a container. It had koko grass and rainbow leaf inside it, "Here you go. It's a gift," I knelt down beside him to give it to him. He took it from me and opened it. "I remembered that you needed them. They were picked at sunrise when their medicinal properties are strongest, like you said."

He looked at the herbs in slight surprise, "You remembered that?"

"Yeah. To be honest, I was a little shocked by it." I replied.

"How do you mean?" He inquired.

"It's a really innovative and wonderful idea," I commented.

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