• one •

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"jesus.. jihoon you never fail to amaze me with how idiotic you are!" jeonghan the gang medic scolded as he tended to the bruises and cuts that were scattered around jihoon's body.

"stupid fuckers tried to come at my boys! was i supposed to just let them beat them up?" jihoon snapped back and jeonghan sighed.

"you're gonna get yourself killed one day," jeonghan warned and jihoon sighed.

"if only i was so lucky.." jihoon replied and jeonghan lightly slapped his forehead.

"shut up! take it easy. i won't tell cheol about this since it's not that severe but don't let it happen again," jeonghan warned once again and jihoon rolled his eyes.

"yeah, yeah, whatever. can i leave?" jihoon asked and jeonghan nodded taking off his disposable gloves.

jihoon was glad that jeonghan wasn't telling seungcheol about the incident, he really didn't need more shit from him. seungcheol was the leader of the notorious svt gang and jeonghan was his right hand man. the two were married and vicious which is why the gang was so successful.

before jeonghan had been a medic for the gang he was the deadliest killer for hire. he knew how to kill in any way whether it was subtle or gruesome which also lead to his immense knowledge of how to treat those wounds as well. jeonghan met seungcheol when he was hired to kill someone for the gang leader.

for the first time in his career jeonghan had gotten captured and seungcheol saved him. since then jeonghan worked in his debt but ended up falling in love as well. one thing lead to the next and they became the leaders and lovers of svt.

jihoon had been picked off the streets by seungcheol at a young age. jihoon had been abandoned and living on the streets when seungcheol found him and saved him. he was taught all the normal skills that a normal child needed but also some more vile ones like how to kill and outsmart anyone who underestimated him.

jihoon quickly climbed the ranks and became the leader of all of seungcheol's men at the age of nineteen. seungcheol did all of the paperwork and formal events while jihoon kept the boys in line and did the dirty work. seungcheol was the lifeline if something went wrong but jihoon hadn't had to use that card quite yet.

after jeonghan treated his wounds jihoon returned back to the living room where all the men waited. most of them that we're on patrol when the fight happened had some sort of bruise or cut while the rest were unharmed.

whether jihoon admitted it or not he really cared for his boys and they cared for him as well. sure they were scared of him and they held an extreme amount of respect for the boy jihoon was really just like their little brother.

jihoon plopped onto the couch next to some of the members and they all continued their conversations. jihoon just rested his head back and looked to the side to see wonwoo and mingyu sitting next to each other.

"wonwoo, do we know what gang it was that attacked?" jihoon asked and wonwoo just sighed and shook his head as he stared at his blank laptop screen.

"i keep looking into it and im puzzled. whoever did this knew that we don't have any surveillance in that area and we're not sure what they looked like because everyone that was attacked got knocked unconscious, except for you." wonwoo explained and he was obvious distressed.

"i saw their faces but they had on the type of paint that confuses identification cameras and they hid any sort of easily identifiable features. just when i started to get onto one he hit me right in my weak spot from that gunshot," jihoon elaborated and suddenly realized something. all of the boys quieted down and began to listen.

"my weak spot.. whoever did this knew what they were doing," jihoon looked to wonwoo who had already began typing away on his laptop again.

"fuck.. this is going to be something big isn't it?"

• author's notes •

like 4 people said that they'd read it and i was sold lmao.. also after watching banana fish while im writing this all i can't think abt is banana fish but i promise it's not gonna be that sad omg cfjdjfn.. also this is my second time writing the first chapter and i like this version way more plus it's longer and sorry if the dabbling back stories is boring but i thought it was sort of necessary for the beginning of the book and introduction to the gang

also the boys in the gang are:
seungcheol (leader)
jeonghan (medic/leader)
jihoon (sort of leader? runs the boys)
wonwoo (sort of a hacker, does a lot of surveillance and digging up dirt)
mingyu (experienced fighter, used as a body guard often)
minghao (the best sniper in the gang)
jun (hunter, works best with minghao)
hansol (experienced fighter like mingyu, body guard work)
dokyeom (works as a chef as the other boys would set the house on fire but can fight well)

then if you couldn't tell the rest are like soonyoung's friends (chan, jisoo, and seungkwan) who are all seniors in highschool :)

anyway i hope you're enjoying !


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