• six •

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"the kid doesn't know why he was stabbed." jihoon sighed as he sat in seungcheol's office with wonwoo.

"are you sure?" seungcheol asked and jihoon nodded.

"he said he was on his way to school when he got pulled into the alley. the two guys were yelling at him telling him to tell them where 'woozi' was and that they knew that he knew," jihoon explained and wonwoo just scribbled something down.

"wasn't woozi your code name before you started using your real name?" wonwoo asked and jihoon realized.

"fuck.. i haven't used that code name for years!" jihoon said and seungcheol sighed and sat back in his chair.

"so they're after you," seungcheol replied and jihoon gave him a 'no shit' look.

"but why did they pull soonyoung into an alley and threaten him? he's just a high school student," seungcheol questioned and it clicked to jihoon.

"because im nineteen, it's possible i was still a high school student. they don't know much about me because i was always gone for a specific time and dokyeom assumed it was school.." jihoon said and wonwoo scribbled down the notes.

"dokyeom must've assumed me being younger and *** high is the closest to the house.. so they just grabbed a kid that looked my age to see if they could find me. then they tried to kill him when he didn't give them what they wanted." wonwoo continued and jihoon nodded. it all made sense.

"they weren't expecting jihoon to show up and kill one of the members, we have the upper hand." seungcheol said and the other two boys let out a sigh of relief.

"it's time to crack down to find their location and make the next move." seungcheol ordered and dismissed jihoon and wonwoo.

the two boys exited the office and wonwoo went to the library while jihoon went to visit the boys. jihoon walked into the living room to see them all eating lunch together. jihoon just gave a small smile but before he say anything else he began to wonder if soonyoung had lunch.

jihoon walked to his room and knocked on the door before entering. soonyoung looked over and gave a small grin as he saw jihoon. soonyoung hadn't moved since he saw jihoon a few hours before, it hurt to move even the littlest amount. jihoon pulled up a chair and sat next to soonyoung's bed.

"how are you feeling?" jihoon asked even though he knew that soonyoung felt horrible.

"i'll make it heh.. did you guys find anything out?" soonyoung asked and jihoon didn't know if he should tell him or not.

"yeah.. they're after me. my code name years ago was woozi, they want me dead and we're not sure why." jihoon explained and soonyoung looked worried.

"d-don't die," soonyoung said and jihoon just chuckled a bit.

"i've made it this far, i don't think i'm going out any time soon. you don't need to worry about me soonyoung, you need to worry about you." jihoon said with a comforting voice and soonyoung nodded.

"have you had lunch yet?" jihoon asked and soonyoung shook his head.

"neither have i, i'll go get us something. i'll be right back," jihoon said with a smile as he got up to get some food.

as jihoon left he found jeonghan standing outside. jeonghan just gave him a smile and placed a hand on his shoulder before entering soonyoung's room. jihoon just shook it off and went to the kitchen to get something easy for soonyoung to eat then some fruit for himself.

he got a tray and put the food on it before going back into soonyoung's room. once he entered jeonghan was cleaning soonyoung's stitches and replacing the gauze. soonyoung had a pained expression on his face as he bit down on his lip and looked away from jeonghan working.

"all better. i'm sorry soonyoung, i know it hurts. on the bright side it's not bleeding much," jeonghan said with a smile.

"i-it's okay.. thank y-you," soonyoung said and jeonghan nodded before exiting the room.

jihoon sat the tray on his seat and began to help soonyoung sit up. jihoon said little sorry after every movement and wince soonyoung produced. soonyoung gripped onto jihoon quite tightly. once he sat up jihoon stacked the pillows up behind him so he could sit comfortably. jihoon sat down in his chair and moved the tray to his lap.

"i'll feed you, okay? it'll be easier." jihoon asked and soonyoung nodded.

jeonghan watched from the doorframe before going up to seungcheol's office. jeonghan entered and sat down seungcheol looked at him with curious eyes.

"what's wrong my love?" seungcheol asked as he let his guard down around jeonghan.

"jihoon is so gentle with that high school boy.. he's smiling again." jeonghan said with a worried smile.

"those are good things," seungcheol responded and jeonghan shook his head.

"i'm scared something is going to happen to that boy and it's going to hurt jihoon," jeonghan worried and seungcheol hummed.

"he still blames himself for what happened to kyung, even though it was an accident." jeonghan said again and seungcheol dropped his head.

"it'll be okay hannie. he's strong, they'll be okay,"

• author's notes •

so im gonna explain who kyung is now so i don't have to take up a bunch of next chapter explaining it <3

kyung was a kid that trained with jihoon when jihoon was a kid. kyung had a similar background to jihoon so they bonded easily. they were best friends and worked on missions together often until jihoon didn't see the guy in the corner. the guy shot kyung and killed him instantly. when it happened jihoon blamed himself and being abandoned like that again resurfaced his anxiety. since that incident jihoon never talked about kyung and didn't get close to anyone but trained and climbed the ranks in honor of him. so yeah :)

i hope everyone is enjoyinggggg


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