Part 14= Confession

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Aish.. Kookie.. I li- no no no.. I love you.

IM SORRY THIS TOOK LONG TO UPDATE! Wattpad deleted The draft that I wrote for 2 days- so uhm this Chapter is rushed cause I wanna upload something already for you guys and The next chapter will be the last Oof- I Already have a new book :) i will publish it after this

1 week Later..

??? POV

Its been a week and everyone is just chilling. Lisa's parents are already home. Jungkook right now is using Lisa's phone and obviously he is in his Human form while Lisa is taking a bath.

Jungkook's POV

I am currently using Lisa's Phone. How do I know how to use this?? Lisa obviously taught me. The door is locked so.. dont worry! Her parents wont come in. Suddenly, the Video I was watching stopped because someone called.. it was.. Nayeon!! I answered it.

"Hey Lisa!!" She Greeted.

"Oh hey noona.. Lisa is taking a bath.." I said softly so Lisa's parents wont hear my voice.

"Ohhhh.. Alright! How are you guys??" She asked

"We are fine noona.. How about you guys??" I asked back

"We're fine too! Oh and can you please tell Lisa we called?" She said

"Sure noona.. But why did you call tho?" I asked

"Oh its because we.. lost the papers with numbers in it.. But Its a good thing Jihyo and Namjoon Oppa memorized Lisa's Number." Nayeon noona explained

"Ohhh.. Ok.. I will tell her to call you back." I said and Hang up then, Continued to watch What I was watching. Soon, I started to get bored on what i was watching so I scrolled through The recommendations. Then, found a video and watched it.


I was watching videos from Youtube until.. lisa came out of the room with her hair wet since she just finished taking a shower.

"You're done?" I asked

"Nope Im not yet done, Thats why Im outside the Bathroom." She said sarcastically making me playfully roll my eyes.

"Whatever, They called." I said

"Specific please." She said and I gave her a fine look.

"Nayeon Noona." I said and she say down on her bed.

"Oh w-" She was about to say something but got interrupted by the door knob moving. She looked at me giving me a signal to Go to my rabbit form which i did. When I was transformed into my rabbit form, I went to my bed and pretended I was asleep.

"Wait mom!!" Lisa said and she opened the closet and Closed it giving a sound. She did it so her Parents could thing she was changing. Then, She opened the Door.

"Yes Mom??"

"Were you changing just now?? Sorry!" Her mom said.

"Ah! Yes! Its ok!! So uhm.. Why did You call me?" Lisa asked

"Well, Can you go to the grocery store?? Your dad is asleep so I cant Make him do it." Her mom answered and Lisa smiled. Aish.. Why does she have to be so cute especially when she smiles?! UGH!

"Sure!! I'll Do it!!" Lisa said.

"Thank you sweetie!! I will just Write the things you need to buy. Change again honey, You aint wearing that There." Her mom said as she points at Lisa's Outfit.

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