Part 3

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I peered into Bella and I's bedroom. I opened the door slightly to let her know I was going to check on Renesmee. I walked back to her door and slowly opened it. Renesmee wasn't in her bed, but crouched on the floor on the side of her bed, to my right. She had her blanket wrapped around her and was quietly crying. In a split-second, I was right by her side. She barely lifted her head to look at me. "Renesmee my dear, what's wrong?" I reached out stroking her head. She didn't move from her position. "Nessie, please tell me what's bothering you." She shook her head. I reached over to her nightstand to turn on her lamp. My poor baby, she looked so frightened. I was a little stunned seeing my angel keep to herself while something was clearly upsetting her. Before any of us could say or do anything, another bout of thunder and lightning struck.

She scrunched her eyes and turned away from me. I instantly reached out to bring her closer to me. I lifted her and cradled her in my arms. She loosened up her stiffness and after a few seconds, rested her head on me. "Shhh baby, it's ok. You're ok." I softly spoke to her as I rocked her back and forth. She looked away from me, but she seemed to be calming down. I lost track of time holding her in my arms, but after a while, the thunder and lightning ceased. The rain seemed to come to a stop. A miracle. Once Nessie realized it had stopped, she pulled away from me retaking her spot on the floor turning away from me. "Are you ok?" I first asked her. She looked at me for a second before nodding her head yes. "You can leave now, I'm sure mommy is getting lonely." "I'm sure mommy is fine" I turned to face her. "Are you going to tell me what made you upset?" I didn't want to pressure her, but this whole ordeal was frightening me. Not the fact that she was afraid, but the fact she kept the reason why hidden. She didn't answer right away, so I kept my patience and wrapped my arm around her.

After what seemed to pass as a minute, she finally spoke in a soft whisper. "I can't daddy." I turned to face her. "Why not?" She looked away at my question. I turned my head sympathetically. "Whatever the reason is, I won't judge you, Ness. I love you, and if you're having a problem you need to tell someone so they can help you. Asking for help when you need it is really important. Sometimes, we can't fix things by ourselves. But when we don't ask for help, the problem only gets worse. Will you please tell me what's going on so that I and mommy can help you?" I pleaded with her. She looked up at me and thought for a second, and shook her head yes. I smiled at her, and she leaned away from me and sat across from me.

Thunder and Lightning-Twilight One-Shot Where stories live. Discover now