Part 4

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"Take a deep breath," I told her. She closed her eyes and inhaled. "I can't tell you." She looked so sad when she spoke. "Why not?" she took a little before answering, processing her answer. "Remember last month when the Volturi came to kill us?" I had a hunch it was about them, but I remained quiet to let her finish. I nodded my head. "Well... I know I'm the reason why they came. It was my fault they wanted to hurt you and mommy. You all went through so much because of me. I didn't want to bother anyone with any of my problems." I was stunned, trying to hide my shocked expression. My miracle was feeling like a burden. Before I could say anything, her eyes filled with tears. In less than a second, I pulled her in my arms once more. She reached out and hugged me back. I spoke while rubbing her back. "My love, you are a miracle. You are not the reason the Volturi came. They'd never met a hybrid vampire before and were curious about you. That's why they came." I had to sugar coat it. She is only 5 months old.

"You didn't do anything wrong, do you understand me? What happened wasn't your fault." She didn't seem to believe me. "Honey, I promise you aren't the cause of any bad thing." Bella had now come in and was sitting right by Renesmee's side. She left my arms and went into Bella's. "Shhhh my dear, calm down." I came next to them and wrapped my arms around the two. We just sat together until Renesmee calmed down. Eventually, she pulled away from Bella and sat across from us. My baby was hurting. My poor baby...

"Renesmee, you never bother us. When you're having a problem, you need to tell us so we can help you. I promise you, you haven't put us through anything. We are your parents, we will always love you and be here for you no matter what!" I told Renesmee once more. I had no time to explain to Bella what was going on before she came in, and I could feel her energy shift now that she understood. It deeply saddened her.

"Renesmee." Bella reached out to her, stroking her face. "You are not a burden. Nothing is your fault. You need to tell someone when you have a problem so we can help you just like we are now. Do you understand?" she nodded. "Do you feel better?" I asked her. She nodded at that too and gave a slight smile. "Is this why you haven't been wanting us to tuck you in at night?" Bella asked. "Mhm. I didn't want to waste your time." That hurt me incredibly. I reached out and grabbed her hands. "You never waste our time. Every moment we have with you is a blessing." I kept my tone serious so shed understand fully. "The only thing wrong here are these thoughts, Ness. They're untrue and have brought you extreme discomfort. Tell us when these thoughts start, and we will gladly help you overcome them, ok?" She fully smiled this time. "Does this mean I can tell you guys whats bothering me tonight?" Bella and I both exaggerated "yes" simultaneously, which made Nessie laugh. It made us smile to see her joy. "The storm outside was really scary." she seemed embarrassed when she spoke, but no one was judging here. "Well, I think I have a solution for that love. Would you like to sleep in our bed tonight?" It was like Bella had read my mind. Ironic. Nessie nodded, and we all got up and made our way to our room. A big wave of relief fell over all 3 of us. Nessie understood now, and she slept soundly through the night.
Bella and I bought her a journal and some sparkly pens where she could keep her thoughts and feelings after that night. She could share and keep to herself whatever she wanted. We worked with her over the next two weeks for her to establish when she needed help and to let someone know. Thankfully Carlisle had studied psychology for a few years and was a big help. She's still using the journal, but she knows very well not to keep harmful thoughts and feelings and her issues in. She's been making so much progress. Her mood has lifted, and she's returning to the Renesmee she was before the Volturi came. She still has her bad days as we all do, but she finds great comfort in knowing she can talk to any of us with no fear of our reaction. She is happy once again.

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