Roses - Dreamnotfound

925 7 0

Georgenotfound x Dream

-No AU-

Please point out any mistakes or anything i could improve on, im still very bad at writing and any help would be appreciated :D Also, this chapter is more story than fluff lol, sorry about that!

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Dream walked down the sidewalk, nervous as can be. He had recently confessed to his best friend, George, they started dating, and now Dream was going to meet up with him in London. London was odd to Dream, very different than Florida. But it was worth it to see George. Dream snapped back into reality when someone bumped into him. They quickly apologized and went on their way before Dream could say a word. That's when Dream noticed, he'd been bumped into right in front of a flower shop. The blond boy smirked as an idea popped into his head. Dream silently thanked the person who had bumped into him, as he walked in.

Bells on the front door rung as Dream walked into the flower shop. Flowers lined the walls and it smelled like, well, flowers. They were neatly arranged by color. 

"Hello! Is there anything in particular you would like today?" A nice brunette girl at the counter says. 

"Oh uh, not really. I d-don't know much about flowers.." Dream said awkwardly like the youtuber he is.

"Who are you getting flowers for?" The girl said, sounding genuinely interested. She leaned her elbows on the counter, ready to listen.

"Oh uhm," Dream's cheeks flushed pink, "M-my boyfriend.." He said, slightly stuttering. The girl giggled and went into the back of the store. A minute later, she came out with a bouquet of roses in her arms.

"I think he might like these," She said, grinning ear to ear. 

"Oh, thank you," He took the roses from her and reached into his pocket for money.

"No problem, and hey, it's on the house. Go have fun with your boyfriend," The girl winked and waved goodbye as she disappeared into the back of the store. Dream stood there for a minute, speechless. What a stroke of luck to be bumped into at exactly the right time, and then have your flowers payed for. Dream shook his head and left the store, sweet smelling roses in hand. 

When Dream arrived at George's house, he paused for a second at the door. Dream was so nervous to meet George in person for the first time he could melt. Dream took a shaky breath, then firmly knocked on his boyfriend's door. After a second or two, George opened the door. 

"Dream!" George shouted, "Come inside, I'm so happy you're here!" Dream walked inside. Dream set down the roses and looked around. *insert really cute house explanation here* That was all Dream could see before George glomped Dream, almost knocking him over. 

"I'm so happy you're here, Dream! I can't even explain it," George squeezed the air out of the blond boy. Dream giggled and hugged back, kissing George on the head. George squeaked and turned pink. 

"So you're not going to say anything about the flowers i got you?" Dream questioned, faking offense. George stuttered a little and thanked Dream for the roses. Dream laughed again, and pulled George close to him. Dream kissed George on the head again, causing George to blush even harder. The blond picked up the smaller boy bridal style, and sat on the couch, and put George in his lap. 

George put his arms around Dream and they cuddled for a while, in comfortable silence. Dream every once in a while kissed George on the cheek, making them both blush and giggle. Eventually they fell asleep just like that on the couch, in pure bliss.

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617 words (not including this)

Again, sorry that this was mostly story and only a quarter fluff ;~; I hope you enjoyed anyway, and please point out any mistakes or anywhere that sounds weird and anything i can improve :D

Thank you for reading, 

-Vincent <3

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