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It wasn't the nicest bus I've been on but it was pretty nice. Hinata and Kageyama sat next to each other close to the back. Suga and Daichi sat towards the front next to where Ukai and Takeda were already sitting. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima sat towards the back a few seats away from Kageyama and Hinata. Tanaka sat in the very last seat and me and Asahi sat right behind Suga and Daichi. Asahi got the window seat. I pulled out my phone right as the bus pulled out of the parking lot. I listened to Suga and Daichi's conversation though not getting involved.

"Are you excited?" Suga asked him softly

"Kind of are you?" Daichi replied. I leaned back in my seat closing my eyes

"I'm excited though I probably won't get to play it's still fun to see how everyone manages" I could hear the excitement in his voice and even though I couldn't see him I knew he was smiling

"Are you okay with not being in the matches?" He asked

"Yeah, Kageyama is a natural genius, plus I had my turn and now it's their turn" he responded the excitement starting to drain from his voice

"It's our last year though shouldn't you want to play make your last huge exit before going off to college?" I heard Suga move around in his seat

"Yeah but I'm fine with not playing I'm still on the court just on the sidelines I can observe the other players and help as I can" there was a hint of sadness and hesitation in his voice

"Are you sure?"

"It's not like there's any way to change it" Suga sighed

"I just feel bad because this is our last year of high school and you're stuck on the sidelines while I'm in every game" Daichi sighed as well

"Don't feel bad for me play your hardest and help the team as you can and I'll help the team as I can" I chewed on my lower lip pulling out my headphones from my bag and plugging them in. I played my music and leaned my head against the seat closing my eyes again. After a while, I got bored again and put my headphones away. I looked out the window as we passed a farm

"Daichi looks Sheep!" Suga exclaimed I looked out the window as we passed fluffy sheep.

"Cute, they look like you" Daichi responded with a laugh

"I don't look like sheep" Suga responded

"You've got the same colored hair"

"My hair's silver not white" he whined

"The same thing" Daichi insisted their conversation trailing off. I looked over at Asahi, he was leaning against the window he was asleep breathing softly. I crossed my arms in front of my chest starting to get bored. I shifted in my seat and before I felt like I was ready to explode from sitting in one place. I jumped up

"Daichi how long is the drive?" I whined leaning my head on the back of their seat

"I think five hours that's why we're just going to stay the weekend there" he responded

"UGHHH" I groaned sinking back into my seat

"Noya we've been driving for fifteen minutes you can't already be restless" Daichi exclaimed

"I can't sit still for five hours" I groaned tapping my foot on the floor

"You should have sat on the inside so you could have looked out the window" Suga commented

"That's why Suga's by the window because he's a real pain to be in a bus with for five hours" Daichi leaned over the back of his seat

"At least he goes to sleep quickly"

"HEY" Suga exclaimed, "I'm not a pain...., Am I?"

"You're just like Noya but you've got a longer fuse" Daichi explained "like maybe an hour and you're done" Suga grumbled something that I couldn't understand

"I can't make it five hours" I exclaimed

"Listen to music or something" He suggested sitting back down "Or take a nap"

"Ugh" I groaned crossing my arms in front of my chest I heard Asahi whimper again in his sleep. I poked him in the side furrowing my eyebrows. He opened his eyes slowly

"Noya? Are we here?" He asked groggily

"No but I'm bored" I insisted

"Why are you bored?" He asked

"Because there's nothing to do but I'm not bored when you're talking to me" I explained shifting in my seat


"What were you dreaming about?" I asked


"You whimpered in your sleep again" Asahi scratched at the back of his neck awkwardly

"Oh it's nothing just another nightmare" He muttered

"You said that before too you seem to have a lot of nightmares"


"Do you get them often?" I raised one eyebrow

"Let's not talk about that okay?" He asked scratching at the back of his neck, I pursed my lips in a pout.

"I hate sitting still" I exclaimed "I'm just gonna take a nap kay?"

"M'Kay" Asahi hummed in response I leaned my head back against the seat shutting my eyes figuring that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep with the bouncing of the bus but I soon did.

Thanks for reading. All my love and appreiaction to all my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals for all the supporting votes and reads.

893 words

AsaNoya story: Nightmare Where stories live. Discover now