The mighty.. baby prince? (A Princexiety story with a hint of Logicalltiy)

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Thomas had been thinking very childish lately, and Roman being the creative side got turned into a baby. The night before he was feeling odd.

"Hey I'm gonna head to bed"

"Is something wrong kiddo?" Patton said concerned

"Oh how could anything be wrong with mr. Perfect" Virgil said rolling his eyes

"Be nice Virgil"

"It's not a big deal Patton, I'm gonna go"

The next morning, the sides woke up to a baby crying. Patton slowly opened Roman's door to find a little Roman, on the floor.


Virgil walked in tired "what dad"

"Could you deal with the baby I have to get breakfast started"


The yelling made Roman cry harder.

"It's Roman he turned into a baby we'll find out why later"

"Why not ask Logan"

"Cause he is asleep now get to it" then he walked out

Virgil sighed getting on his knees. Roman's pajamas were like a blanket around him now. Virgil picked him up, and Roman's sobs turned into soft sniffles.

"Ok can you talk?"


"Ok good" Virgil said summoning a baby shirt with "Winnie the Pooh's" face on it. Some little baby socks, and a diaper.

Virgil looked down at the baby realizing that he couldn't change himself. He blushed and changed the little prince.

"So do you want some breakfast"

"Yes pwease!"

Virgil started to walk out, Roman waddling behind him. Then Roman fell in started sniffing and tears welled up in his eyes. And started rolling down his little cheeks.

"Roman- oh sweetie!"

Roman looked up "it hwurt"

Virgil picked him up "what hurts honey?"

Roman pointed to his cheek and Virgil kissed it. "Better?"

Roman nodded happily and they walked into the kitchen.

"Awww my kiddos are finally getting along!"

"Yeah yeah what's for breakfast"

"Waffles! I made a small one for the baby"

"Oh ok" Virgil said summoning a high chair and sitting Roman in it. Patton handed roman his food. And he started eating. After breakfast they went to find out. Why Roman was a child, they found Thomas and thought maybe he will know why.

"Hey Thomas" (only Virgil and Roman went btw)

"Yeah what's up?"

Virgil showed him Roman "care to explain"

"Oh about that.. I've been having some childish ideas which is probably why Roman is a ermm child-"

"Thomas! I have to deal with a royal pain in the ass now!"

Roman felt hurt but, he didn't cry cause deep down he was himself. He just couldn't show it.

"He can hear you Virgil"

"He's a baby!"

When Roman tugged onto Virgil's hoodie sleeve, saying that he wanted down. Virgil set him on the floor and continued yelling at Thomas. While little Roman waddled away.

Later Roman was playing in his room, with some of his 'not stuffed toys'. When Patton walked up to Virgil.


"I'm worried about Roman"

"What did he take a shit in his diaper" Virgil said rolling his eyes

"No he won't eat anything i give him"

"I'll check it out" Virgil said opening the door to the prince's room. Roman was sat in the middle of the room, lazily moving around a stitch plush. Virgil walked over Roman looked up at him, but something about his eyes worried Virgil. They looked dead like he was asleep or something. Virgil when onto his knees looking at what he was doing.

"Whatca doing there buddy"

"Pwlaying" Roman said in a dead voice

"Hey do you want a bottle of warm milk? It'll be yummy"

"No I'm not hwungry"

"Are you sure?"


Virgil summoned a bottle "Roman you are having this bottle"





Virgil tried to give it to him, but then Roman started sobbing. He couldn't help it his emotions took over.

"Oh honey did I hurt you?!"


Virgil scooped him into his lap "then what's the matter cupcake?"

"Yo-you don't like me"

"Yes I do!" Virgil said kissing Roman forehead

Roman blushed and stopped crying "I fweel better now"

Virgil wiped the left over tears from Roman's face "good now do you want that bottle? We could watch Beauty and the Beast"


Virgil picked him up and sat him and Roman on top of him, so that he was laying on his chest. gave Roman his bottle and turned on "Beauty and the Beast". Soon Roman had finished his milk, Virgil took it out from his mouth and put a blinkie in. Roman fell asleep after that, listening to Virgil's heartbeat, and Virgil fell asleep a few moments later. About 10 minutes when by, and Logan and Patton peeked through a crack.

"They really are cute"

"Not as cute as you cookie"

Patton blushed "oh shush you!"

Logan chuckled at him, and him and Logan when to bed.

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