They're coming!

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Tony's POV


The next month passed slowly because of Ziva's emotions and her morning sickness. It's getting really close to her due date. I can't believe that I am going to be a father. Finally. I've been waiting for what seems like forever.

It was a bright and shiny morning once again! But the next morning was actually a muggy, cruddy, rainy day. So gloomy. So sad. Ziva and I could not go for our usual morning stroll so we just stayed on the couch and watch the rain. I was off work for the day because there was no need to go in. It was Sunday anyway. But that could change at any moment.

My phone starts to ring and I answer it. "DiNozzo speaking."

"Uh huh"

"Oh. Ok."

"Got it. I'll be right in, boss."

I look over at Ziva. She looks at me. "What is it?" she asks.

"I gotta go into work today. Sorry. I hate that you have to be home alone in the rain."

"It's ok tony. You have to pay for twin girls somehow. Abigail and Clara will be expensive to raise and I intend on spoiling them." She smiles as she says this. Did I mention we picked out names? Abigail Elizabeth DiNozzo and Clara Rose DiNozzo. But she's right. I don't want my girls to grow up with nothing.

"Alright. I'll see you later." I kiss her forehead, grab my gear, and leave.
Ziva's POV
I hate to see him go. Especially when I can't go outside. But I do love rain. It is just so lovely and peaceful. Anyways. I have some chores to do. I start to clean the house when, about 2 and a half hours later, I feel a sharp pain. I ignore it and continue entertaining myself. A few moments later I find myself calling Tony.

"This can't be happening... Not now. He's not here..." The phone continues ringing. Finally I hear his voice.

"Yeah, sweet cheeks? Whatcha need?"

"Shut up DiNozzo. They're coming! The babies. Now. Get to the hospital. Meet me there." I hang up and get in the car and drive David-Style to the hospital. I get there and park. "That wasn't so bad. I only almost ran over 2 squirrels and a dog and I may have cause a small disruption but all-in-all, it was the best I've had in months." Tony is in the parking lot and comes and helps me inside and after a few LOOOOONG HOURS, filled with screaming and crying, the babies are finally about to come.

"DiNozzo, I hate you!!! Why did you do this to me?!" The pain is horrendous. In all my years of Mossad and ncis training and work, I've never experienced anything quite so bad.

Tony is holding my hand and letting me squeeze it. "It's gonna be ok. We're almost there." I can hear him murmur 'I hope' after that and I squeeze his hand so hard it makes him kinda squeal.

"Alright Mrs. DiNozzo. They're almost here. Just one more big push!" The screams get louder and louder and finally, a sharp cry pierces the air. Soon it is joined by another cry.

Finally, they've come.

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