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The mountains can be a hard place to grow up. The seasons are a lot different then living on the plains and foothills. We here in the Snowy Moon pack get snow sometime in the late fall to early spring. It's quiet here, but what do you expect when your surrounded by nothing but trees and rocks for miles and miles.

Everyone in the pack works together here in Snowy Moon so we can survive the harsh cold winter months we have here. So it gets kind of boring, from time to time.

My favorite times are the festivals we celebrate during the year. We have 4 different times of the year we celebrate, one for each season. There are 2 for the solstice, and 2 for the equinox. During the spring equinox we have what you would called Mating Rites. It's where all single wolves between the ages of 18 to 25 will travel to the hosting pack lands to try and find their mate.

This will be my third year of going and I'm really excited because our pack is hosting it this year. So for the next two months we have a lot of planning to do.

Oh I forgot to mention, my name is Penny. And I'm a werewolf.

I am dedicating this whole book to @joflower
Thank you for giving me the push and inspiration that I needed to make this book happen.

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