Chapter 3 - Penny

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  The next morning Jen and I climbed out of bed with a slight hangover. After throwing a few logs in my trusty wood burning stove, I started making  us some oat meal and coffee to start our day.

  Looking out my window by the front door, I noticed that we didn't get any more snow. The storm must of blown over us during the night. Spring is on its way. The snow will be starting to melt and before you know it, Spring is here.

  Sitting at the kitchen table drinking our coffee and waiting for breakfast to finish cooking, After our conversation last night, Jen asked me about what I wanted to do with my life before I found my mate.

  "Pen?  Hey about last night, you said you had things you wanted to do before you found your mate and settled down. What kind of things are those?

  As I pulled the oatmeal off the stove and sat it in the middle of the table I thought hard about the things I wanted to do in my life. I mean, I am 20 years old and I've never been past the borders of our pack land. We have about 150 wolves here, and the only time that ever changes is when someone finds their mate. Either their mate stays here or they leave and go to their mates pack. Or someone has pups. It's the way it's the way of pack life.

"Well I would like to see the foothills and maybe go to the ocean. I was born here and have never seen anything but the mountains. I've had the same job working at the daycare center with the packs pups, since I was 18. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and the people here. But I just feel like I need more. You know what I mean?"  As I tucked a strand of my long black hair behind my ear. "I just feel like something is missing, like I'm not whole." As I sighed, looking into my coffee mug. "I don't know, it might not make sense to anyone, but in a way I feel like a part of me is missing and I'm not quit sure on what to do about it."

  I've always been a busy body, never able to sit still for very long periods of time. Wanting to explore and see if there was something better out there. I don't know, maybe there is something and out there for me after all. And maybe there wasn't. But how am I going to find out if I don't at least try something different."

  After cleaning up our breakfast dishes we got dressed. Jen borrowed a pair of my sweatpants, I'm a lot taller the she is. Where she is 5'3", I'm 5'10".  I take after my dad in every way except I have mom's eyes, very bright emerald green. They turn a rather different shade of yellow when I shift into my wolf. They really stick out since my wolf is white. She is a beautiful site to see.

After all the dishes was done and put away. We both bundled up and headed for work. Saying our good-byes and see you laters. As we went our separate ways. I had a good 20 minute walk towards the pack house to the daycare center.

  I love taking care of the small pup's, they are so much fun to snuggle with and they smell so new. I love working with the baby pup's. I know that someday I want to have pup's of my own, just not any time soon. I want to do something with my life before I start a family.

  As I was walking, I saw one of the mother's who's pup's I take during the day, walking towards the daycare center.

"Good morning Hanna, how's the twins doing?"

  "They growing like weeds" As she giggled. Hanna and I went to school together. She is a very sweet friend. She found her mate when she turned 18. She got lucky that he was already a pack mate here in the Snowy Pack.

"Here let me help you, I'll carry one of the pup's for you" as I took one of the little bundles of joy in my arms. They are so sweet and look a lot like their mom. Red hair and blue eyes. I snuggled little Erica close to my chest. While  Hanna carried little Eric.

Hanna was studying to be a nurse and always left the two pup's at the daycare center in the mornings while she would go to class. Doc Albert was the pack's doctor and has been for many years. He was the one who delivered me as a new born.

"Thank you Penny" as I helped her by carrying little Erica. "I swear they gain 10lbs every day. It's starting to become difficult to carry both at once." She laughed.

We finished our walk while talking about the twins. "I can't wait until they can walk on their own." She said with a huff.

  We walked into the building and walked to the infant room where there is many cribs for the tiny little pup's to sleep in. Little Erica was sound asleep while little Eric was wide awake wanting someone to snuggle him. So I laid my little bundle down and took Eric from Hanna so she could head to work herself.

  "Have a great day Hanna and I'll see you when you come get these little gifts from the moon Goddess."

  So I spent my day with the little ones and after everyone had gone home at the end of the day, I decided that I was going home myself. It was a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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