The Cookout Part 2

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Onika's alarm sounded on her night stand notifying that her day would begin soon. She groaned tiredly rubbing her face on the satin of her pillowcase before letting out a screech as she hit that stretch.

She laid silently still for a while before her second alarm went off finally deciding to sit up. She disabled the rest of her alarms usually set to wake her if she missed the first two.

Sleep didn't find Onika particularly well last night anyways. She was restless, tossing and turning knowing today was the start of her student teaching assignment signifying her college days were soon coming to an end.

Starting this week, her days would now begin at 7:30 a.m. apposed to the 10 a.m. she was accustomed to.

Onika rose from her mattress before going into the bathroom to follow her usual hygiene routine.

She couldn't seem to rid herself of the nerves that had been in her stomach all night and still resided there now. Not so much an excitement but rather the same anxiety you have on the first day of grade school. So many thoughts occupied her mind. Was her outfit appropriate? Her hair? Would the students like her? Was the teacher nice or an asshole? Who was the teacher? An old pervy creep? Or a relatable young woman?

Onika sighed deeply as she looked over her outfit in the mirror. The school's teacher dress code was casual, though she felt she might've been too underdressed.

She wore a pair of dark jeans along with the school's t-shirt baring "Cy-Fair High School" across the chest. She decided to throw on a blazer as well to do it up a bit. She could always take it off if need be.

Onika was out the door of her tiny campus apartment and in her car all by 6:30 a.m. a miracle by anyone's standards.

The thirty minute drive flew by and before she knew it she was pulling into the high school's parking lot at the front of the mornings congested traffic.

The feeling that rushed her system as she cut her engine off was synonymous with being a freshman once again, or rather going on her third time now.

For the first time in a very long time, Onika was cautious and even nervous of how critical everyone would be towards her. Onika had never been the new girl, being in the same district her while life everyone knew who she was, what to expect out of her and they respected her thanks to the lingering reputation of her older sister. Even in college as a freshman, there was a whole class of new students all feeling the same feelings and experiencing the same things, she easily climbed her way up the social latter.

But here? Not a soul knew who she was. She was fresh meat, entirely on her own. And high schoolers? Are assholes simply put.

Onika cringed at the thought of doing something dumb or not being up to date on the little kid lingo then becoming the laughing stock of a bunch of fucking ninth-graders; how embarrassing.

She shrugged the thoughts away finally deciding to get out the car otherwise she'd psych herself out of entering the building entirely.

Her short legs carried her through the parking lot fast. She kept her chest tall, her chin lifted, and her eyes zeroed in on the door while holding onto her bag at her side as she made her way through the students. Most hadn't even noticed her, some offered a glance before returning to their own world surely too tired to be worried about Onika.

Stepping inside the cool draft chilled her face sending a wave of nostalgia through her. It felt good to be on the other side of high school, because she surely did not miss being a student.

She walked up to the front secretary's desk that stood unoccupied. Looking to the left she noticed a long legged boy slouched in a chair, dreads hanging low in his face with ear buds in. Considering how early it was she doubted anyone could manage to be on some bullshit already figuring he was a student aid.

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