I Love you?

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Pair: Lust and Geno
Let's just pretend Geno was giving a locket by Classic so that he can get out of the screensaver

Lust's POV:


Dick sucker

Mindless Whore


I was called a lot more names by a tone of monsters.. I didn't like it at all...
People treat me like I'm nothing but a slut but little do they know..

I never liked underlust or the monsters in my AU

Nor Anyone liked me.. Why though? I'm a person too..

I decided to go in the forest since my bro was probably going to be with Metteton the whole day once again..
So I grab my headphones and went on out. I was humming till I heard something loud fall over?

I went to see where the sound was coming from then a saw a skeleton like me.. but different
He looked pretty interesting honestly..
He wore a white jacket? With a white shirt and had a big wound also a Glitch was covering one of his eyes Then As I was trying to make sense on what's happening he spoke "Hello?" He said looking at me with a confused look
"Who.. are you?" I said looking at him "I'm basically sans.. but so are you?" He replied "Well I guess you can call me Lust" I said "Wait Where am I?" He asked looking around "Oh you are in Underlust! The place full of sluts and rapists" I said looking down then he came closer "I see your suffering too" he spoke "My name is Genocide but you can call me Geno" He added "Guess you know the pain too huh?" I asked "Sorta" Geno Said simply

"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked
"Oh I didn't really know where I was going so I teleport anywhere then I end up here" Geno Replied

{A BIG Time skip}

Nobody's POV:

It's been 1 year since Geno and Lust met and They were Best friends!

But Geno and Lust sorta caught feelings for each other...

"Heya Grape!" Geno Said just coming in lust's room as usual
"Oh-! Geno you scared me! Again" Lust said closing his phone
"Of course I did! Heh!" Geno said with a small giggle which made Lust blush a bit "Anyway do you wanna go to Outertale?" Lust asked "Ok come on!" Geno said with a hint of nervousness

Geno Knew he had to confess his Love for Lust..

Geno's POV:

Me and My best friend Lusty went into a portal to outertale then went to that one quiet yet beautiful place where we love to hang out

"Hey Geno..." Lust said nervously
"Y-Yes?" Geno looked at Lust
"Um Remember When I told you about that crush..?" Lust said blushing softly
"Ya Why?" Geno asked a bit nervously
"W-Well Actually I like you..!" Lust confessed looking down in embarrassment as Geno blushed then smiled softly "I actually Like you to lusty" Geno said looking at Lust

Lust Leaned in and Kissed Geno

"I Love You?"

"I Love you too Geni"

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