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•Sub!Geno X Dom!Nightmare
•Fluff! >w<
•Let's Just say Geno got a Locket To get out a the Screensaver.

~Nightmare's POV~

It was Surprisingly Quiet in my Castle.. Error, Cross and Horror are in there rooms doing Stuff I don't really want to know about while Killer and Dust when out to see their boyfriends or something like that..

And I was sitting on the Couch reading a book that I'm almost finished.

I should go Ask my Somewhat 'Friend' to come over.. I kinda like his Company to be honest..  

Seriously what is this damn Feeling whenever I think about that god damn little Tsundere?!

Whatever.. I'll Just Message Geno then..

Nighty: Hey Geno..

Geno: Oh hey Nighty?

Geno: What's up?

Nighty: Ok I'm just going to be Straight forward..

Geno: ??

Nighty: Would you like to come over?

Geno: Sure, It's not like I have anything else to do

Geno: So see you in 5 minutes?

Nighty: Sure

I can feel some Weird Emotion which is like..? Whatever I don't even know how to explain what I'm feeling..

Geno makes me feel like.. I never really did before..

Wait The hell am I thinking?! I can't even fall in love..

"Nighty?" I hear Geno's Voice walling Closer. I turn around to see Geno of Course.. "Hey Geno" I say simply. "Oh Hey I expect you to be in your room honestly.." Geno says before a faint Blue hue dusting on Geno's Cheek bones but He quickly shook his Head in embarrassment. Hm.. How Cute..

Geno Walks to the Couch and sits next to me but like Right Next to me.

"Would you Like to Watch a Movie..?" I asked and He nodded which Meant 'Okay' "Horror?" I Asked and He nodded

Geno is the type just not to Really talk but I have to say that I like it honestly it's like He's shy.

"Actually can We just Watch it in my Room..." I asked then He blushed but looked away quickly "S-Sure" Geno Stuttered

Cute.. then He walk up the Stairs and go to my Room. Before I go in I look down at Geno who was kinda blushing.

He's so Small standing next to me and Basically everyone in his Castle, Even Cross is a Couple of inches taller the Geno and Somehow Geno is Taller then the Star trio. I can see why Reaper likes him.. Fuck it, I think Geno is Adorable..

I open the door and Walk inside. Geno sits down on One side of my bed while I sit on the Other.

Then I put on the Movie

~Nobody's POV~

Currently Geno and Nightmare were On Nightmare's bed but on Opposites Sides and Watching a Horror (When I spelled Horror it Auto Correct to Hotter) Movie

While Geno was Shaking and Nightmare was just staring at the TV with No expression (I mean, Come on this is Nightmare we are talking about!)

Soon A jump scare came on and Geno flinched. Nightmare Chuckled at Geno's Reaction to the Scary part.

'Fuck it, I'm going closer' Nightmare Thought as He got Closer to The Smaller and  Wrapped his arm around Him.

Geno's face Exploded with Color and Look at Nightmare "Nightmare?!" Geno somehow Squeaked out "Just watch the Movie.." Nightmare said Blushing then Geno Cuddled closer to Nightmare which made Nightmare jump a little "Shut up.. You got Close to me first.." Geno buried his face in a Pillow

'Adorable' Nightmare Thought.

Soon Soft snorting could be Heard coming from Geno. Nightmare looked at the Smaller and Actually smiled and Blushed seeing Geno sleep leaning towards him

Since Geno Fell Asleep Nightmare Kissed Geno on the Top of his head "You do K-Know I'm still up?" Geno suddenly said "Your the one cuddling close to me" Nightmare said "Your not pushing me away" Geno says

then Nightmare Just pulled Geno into a Kiss.

Geno Blushed Rapidly seeing his one and Only Crush kiss him. Unknowingly Geno kissed back.

Then The both Pulled away "I hate you.." Geno pouts "I Hate you too but your the one who Kissed back" Nightmare stated "You kissed me first dumbass" Geno Argued "Whatever, Your Mine now.. Got that?" Nightmare pulled Geno Closer "Got that" Geno closed his eyes (Well Somewhat Eyes!) and Nightmare does the Same

Ok Sorry for the Shitty Fluff! Anyway this was Requested by @Fiver12 !

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