Chapter 1: A New World

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We all knew that something like this would happen, but what we didn't know is how quickly everything fell apart all around us. When the cities started to fall there was nothing we could possibly do, everywhere you went there was nothing but death. All you would see is people eating each other but the thing was they weren't people anymore. The infection hit so fast we weren't ready for what was ahead, now all we can do is survive and hope that things will go back to way they used to be.

Me and my mom were held up in a hospital when it started. My mom had an accident while I was at school the good thing was the damage wasn't that bad. She sprained leg while cleaning I don't know how she did it but at least it wasn't anything serious. Anyways we were hold up on the sixth floor of the building which was bad, the infected swarmed the floors below. They did it so fast we didn't know what to do.

There were at least twelve other people with us on the same floor, everyone evacuated when shit hit the fan. We did the same thing but infected stopped us from getting out. There were to many of them we couldn't run through them, so we went back. Everyone that remained ran to the elevators going to upper floors, I was grabbed before I could get to them. Some guy saved me but when I got to the elevator the guy was already gone, those things just surrounded him there were so many of them I couldn't tell which one was him anymore.

Weeks passed, and people started to panic, we were running out of food already some people decided to leave but we couldn't let leave alone not with just two adults and two kids they wouldn't even make it a day out there on their own. Me and mom chose to go with them good thing her leg healed I wouldn't know what to do just to keep her safe but now that isn't a problem anymore. Two days passed, and we had enough medicine to keep us going for a while, but it won't be any good for us if we starve to death. When we were done we had to think of a plan on how to get passed the infected, but all I could think of was us actually leaving this place we've survived so long here how long will we last out there on the road, but I guess it's better than starving to death.

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