Chapter 3: The Shadows

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Weeks past and we had no contact with anyone, the only thing we heard from the radio was static. We managed to find a place for us to stay, it was a small house outside of town and there was enough space for the six of us. The people who were with us finally told us their names, the man's name was Michael and he was a cool guy, the woman's name was Sara, she mainly kept to herself. And finally, the two kids were Noah and Lizzie, they were wild and made too much noise. Luckily, we haven't encountered any infected in the past month or so, but we can't be too comfortable. Mom had found things to keep herself content which was a relief for me, she hasn't been the same since we left the hospital and she won't talk to me that much which is scaring me. A few hours passed, and Michael had an idea to check the surrounding houses for supplies, we were low on food and water, so I decided to go with him. We gathered our stuff and headed out.

"So, kid what's your name I mean we've been to together since we left the hospital and we haven't talked that much. I understand if you don't want to talk but if we're going to be living together it'd be nice to get to know each other."

"It's Jason," I said, but just so you know I'm just nervous around people I don't really know. Even though we've been together for few weeks I haven't really had the time to say anything because of my mom."

For the next ten minutes we walked in silence, but we came up to our first house. "Hold up a second Jase I'm going to scout ahead and make sure it's clear," said Michael. Before I could've said anything, he was already at the front door of the house. A few minutes passed, and he gave me the all clear signal, I ran to him in a low crouch making sure nothing could see me. When I arrived in the house we quickly began to search, there wasn't much too look for it looked like someone had come through here already.

I was glad to see that there were still people out there but what worried me the most was how friendly they are. I mean it's almost been a year since the infection hit and that changes people, I don't want to encounter some people that want to try and worse us or worse. A few hours passed, and we were able to check a few more house, but it was getting dark and I didn't want to be out here after the sun goes down. I've heard some freaky noises out here and I don't want to meet the thing that was making it.

I was checking a room until I heard Michael running to me. He sounded scared, so I hid until he came in the room.

"Jason get down, I saw something coming from the field across the street, I think it's coming this way."

I peeked out the window, but I didn't see anything, then I saw a shadow going around the house. I pointed Michael the direction it was going, and he slowly made his way to the back door. I followed him half way but instead I headed to the front door, I made it to the door but before I could touch it the door opened.

"Jason get the fuck over here," Michael yelled.

But I couldn't do anything I was so scared, I've never been in a situation like this before and I had no idea what to do. When the door finally opened a dark figure came in, I couldn't get a good look at, but it didn't move. Out of nowhere a bright light appeared from behind me, Michael had found a flashlight and shined it on the dark figure. I was then able to get a good look at as I finally started to move towards Michael. But I stopped again because the thing that stood before me wasn't an infected it was human.

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