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I own nothing besides the idea


It's a scene from the 2nd movie ("Revenge of the Fallen") so spoiler alarm


I translated the conversation from the German version so it doesn't fit the English video clip above! From this you can guess that English isn't my native language, so I can't guarantee correct grammar etc.




The battle against Fallen and Megatron was over and everyone was happily back in California.

Optimus Prime stood on one of the runways next to Ratchet.
Both bots were looking at the setting sun while listening to a conversation Optimus' audios had saved while his spark had been destroyed.

(A/N: No plan if that is even possible but I explain it with the rest energy his body still had)

"Isn't that while you were on the other plane?"
"I think it is but I am not sure. Do you remember that government man? Galloway?"
"Oh, the douchebag?"

Optimus nodded and then a grin began to spread on his face when he finally heard the fun part of the whole audio.


"Get ready for the jump."
"What? Really?", Lennox voice said sounding a bit... funny.
"Jump? Jump?!", Galloway's high voice shrieked.
"Alright everyone! Get your parachutes!", Lennox yelled.

"Are you acquaint with the standard MC4?"
"No! I never had to jump out off of a completely functional plane.", a hysterical Galloway answered the Captain.
"I understand."
"Is this really necessary?"

A bump and an offended noise from Galloway.

"Wait! That's your doing, isn't it?"
"What are you talking about! You did hear the pilot. These guys don't lie about things like that. That's the standard procedure. I just follow my commands."

The buzz of a harness being tightened and Galloway yelping in pain.

"You just signed the death warrant of your career!"

Plane noise and fearful questions from Galloway. Lennox mumbled something about the sounds being very bad.

"Come on."
"I can't jump!"
"Come on!"
"No. No!"

The plane's hatch opened.

"Come here now!", Lennox screamed against the wind.

"Why don't you have parachute?!"
"Because I have to get the VIPs out first, Sir."
"Good, now you have to listen to me very carefully!"
"Yes, yes."
"And memorize everything I say!"

Orders followed and Galloway seemed to become even more terrified.
Then a slap rang out and Lennox screamed even louder.

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