Koi no yokan

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Chapter 1: Koi no yokan

~Somewhere in Canada~

Golden, pink, and blue lights hit his eyes as he tried to take in what's in front of him and halfheartedly shrugged as he failed to do so. Haru could hear his friends excited yells over some shooting games and instead of joining them he chose to focus on the giant that's making the sky look prettier.

The Ferris Wheel.

It looked majestic, powerful even and he was helpless against its golden allure. He intended to watch the stars, sitting on to of it tonight.

When two schoolgirls walked pass, giggling as they stole glances at him, he couldn't help but throw a playful wink in their direction. They pushed at each other with red cheeks and ran away embarrassed.  Haru silently prayed for them to remain innocent forever knowing fully well that the world would never let that happen.

Haru's friend, Monkey pulled at his snow-white hoodie, stealing his attention.

" If I didn't know any better," Monkey started, mouth full of cotton candy, " I would've questioned your sexuality, dude. Enjoy carnivals all you want but why do you always have to drag us with you? I mean, what's  so great about it anyway?"

Monkey has a habit of asking too many questions at once even when his mouth is stuffed full.

Rudy, his most normal friend, answered on his behalf, 

" Four words. Pretty view, pretty woman."

Si, who was leaning against a pole, silently scaring children with a mask over his mouth from under his black hood spoke out for the first time that evening,

" Two words. Ferris Wheel."

And Si's answer was right much to Monkey's dismay.

" Nope, no way. Not riding the death trap. Never, ever again."

Monkey shouted as he tried to run away but was held back by an unbothered looking Si, who was still leaning against the pole.

" Jesus of all the things to be scared of, you had to be scared of heights. Your name would go in vain, 'Monkey'." Rudy muttered from beside Haru.

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