Prologue: The note

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Venus stared at the note. She read it over and over again. It was the only thing that her father hadn't burned of her mother. Venus's and Fox's mother had died in a car accident a long time ago. She hears the front door slam shut. She grabbed Fox's arm and dragged her into the bathroom. She put her hands on the sink and stared into the partly cracked mirror. She has galaxy hair. Fox has dark brown hair with pink and magenta highlights. Venus splashed water on her face and thought about the note. It read:
Ignore everything
That you have read
Rub the —or I'll be dead
There was a smudge after rub the.
She has read it one million times and still doesn't know what it means. "Open up!" That is their alcoholic dad. "Shh! C'mon Fox!" She whispered. She broke the small window in the shower and lifted Fox through. They had escaped many times before, but they didn't know that this time would be the last.

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