Chapter 18 - Mistakes Were Made

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A/N: We're now halfway through the story! Woot woot! Also I realized that I recently reached fifty followers!! Thank you guys so much!

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The boys were grouped in Kai's room again, and once Kai had returned from his break outside, Cole immediately went to business. But Zane was having trouble focusing as Cole and Jay discussed their plans. He couldn't stop thinking about Pixal, trapped beneath the island.

Had Master Chen already taken her element? What would he do with her afterwards? Chen hadn't told them what he planned to do with the losers, even after taking their elemental power away. It wasn't their business to know. But Zane doubted that the defeated masters would be released, especially since none of them had been seen since losing their respective battles.

Zane wondered if it wouldn't hurt to ask Master Chen about it. Maybe he could even convince him to let Pixal go. After all, without her element, she couldn't be much of a threat anymore.


The Ice Ninja met his leader's gaze, ashamed at being caught off guard again. "I'm sorry, I –"

"What is up with you, man? I know you're distant sometimes, but you're usually more vigilant when we're on a mission."

Zane's eyes flitted to the floor. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"I sure hope not." Jay nudged Cole and nodded to the Fire Ninja, who also seemed to have his head in the clouds. "You, too, Kai."

Kai jumped at the mention of his name. "Sorry, what?"

Jay rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on! Cole and I can't do this by ourselves! Couldn't you at least pretend to be interested?"

"Zane you've been acting funny all day. But Kai, you were fine before the fight. You just started acting different after you came back from the square. What happened while you were out there?"

"I . . . um . . . well . . ."

"Kai," Cole said, his tone edged with warning.

Kai hesitated before blurting out, "I ran into Skylor, okay? She tried to get my elemental power, but I didn't let her. That's it, honestly."

Zane wasn't quite ready to believe him. He was acting too strange. His lack of focus, the glazed look in his eye, the small smile that would appear for just a moment . . .

Cole seemed to come to his conclusion at the same time that Zane did. "You kissed her, didn't you?" he said accusingly.

Kai's eyes widened and he opened his mouth as if to deny it, but he could only stammer over his own words.

Zane's blood went cold. If Kai had kissed Skylor then . . . 

"I'm right aren't I?" Cole said. "Kai, what were you thinking!"

Kai immediately turned defensive. "I don't see why it matters to you. You're the leader, that doesn't mean I have to ask your permission before I kiss a girl!"

Cole pinched the bridge of his nose. "She absorbs powers by touching you," he said slowly. "Didn't you stop to think that maybe she was just using you?"

Realization gradually dawn on Kai's face. "She kissed me!" was all he could manage as justification.

Zane couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Kai! I have to fight her tomorrow!"

Kai's eyes bugged. "What? Since when?"

"Since this entire time!" Jay cut in. "Did you even look at the roster?"

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