A little change for a better future

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It's been a while since the Guard have helped the hyenas in the Outlands and less trouble had accured since then. Except for some of the other Outlanders thinking only the hyenas was going to be helped, Kion had other ideas though and was going to help as many as he could. He had already told the Guard what his plan was, he just had to tell his father which he had a feeling could be a challenge to convince him to everything he had to say. 

He stood at the steps going up to Pride Rock, taking a deep breath before he started going up the steps. Kion noticed he wasn't where he usually sat and had a look at their land, tilting his head a bit he went to look for him but couldn't find no matter where he looked. "Where is he?.." Kion thought to himself.  "Maybe mum knows." he shrugged, going inside the den hoping that he would be able to find her there, which to his luck she was. He sighed in relief before going over to her. "Hi mum." Kion said with a soft yet slightly tired smile.

Nala smiled back as she heard her son's voice and turned to him, greeting Kion with a nuzzle. "Hi Kion. Did you have a good day?" She asked and gave his cheek a motherly lick. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle when she did. "It's been good thanks. What about yours?" He replied looking up at her. "It's been pretty good." she responded before saying. "Got something on your mind?" 

Kion nodded with a light sigh, she knew him too well when he had something difficult to ask or tell. "Yeah, I needed to ask dad something." 

"What is it? Maybe I can help." His mother asked soflty with a gentle smile.

"Well... since we've been helping the hyenas I was thinking, if we could help the other's in the Outlands as well." He told, hoping that they would understand. Nala listened and gently placed a paw onto his shoulder. "I'm glad you want to help so many and we will of course support you and your idea. Were you unsure that we wouldn't?" Nala asked as she looked at him. 

"I guess I was a little..." 

She let out a small sigh. "Is it about your father?" 

Kion looked up at her softly. He was surprised she often knew what he was thinking about. "Mmhmm." he replied with a nod. He just couldn't understand why it was hard for him to explain things to his father at times, but he was glad his mother always wanted to help him whenever he had struggles. "Thanks mum." He said giving her a nuzzle.

She smiled and chuckled. "You are welcome." she nuzzled back. "I'll tell him when he get's back ok?"

Kion nodded. "Yeah. Where is he by the way?" he questioned out of curiousity. "I think he had to talk with someone, don't know what it was about though." Nala softly said.

"Okay. I'll be back later, there is something I need to do." he replied.

"Well I wish you luck with whatever you have to do then." 

"Thanks mum." Kion smiled before running down the rocky steps. "See you later!" he said just as he ran off.

"Bye Kion." She softly said with a smile as Kiara walked up. "Where's he going now?" she questioned as she looked up at her. 

Nala shrugged with a chuckle. "He is a lot like your father, it's sometime not easy to tell." she said and softly scooted her daughter closer to her. "But I know it's something he can handle." she finished. 

Kiara nodded with a smile. "Yeah."

Kion was heading off to the Outlands to see how it was going with Jasiri and Janja. He was quiet as he made his way to where they usually were. "Jasiri? Janja?" he said in almost a whisper as he looked around for them. His ears soon turned in one specific direction, hearing a familiar voice. He smiled and followed where the voice came from and  smiled as he saw Jasiri and Janja talk to each other.

Jasiri looked over and smiled brigthly as she saw her lion friend and didn't hesitate to pounce at him playfully. They both laughed for a few seconds since the two playfully rolled around on the ground. Janja watched them with amusement and chuckled as they did, seeing Jasiri had ended up being in a pinning position. Jasiri noticed and laughed softly. "You need to stop letting yourself get pinned Kion." 

"Oh yeah? Says who?" Kion replied and pawed playfully at her chest with a smile. She shook her head before letting him up. "What if I could be a threat?" She asked as she looked at him. "We would probably not have been in this situation then." He said with a chuckle. 


He sat back up shortly after and looked at them softly. "So what brings you here anyway Kion? Is anything alright?" Jasiri asked with a little hint of worry.

"Everything is fine. I just wanted to talk with you and Janja about something." He replied.

"Oh ok. What is it?" Jasiri asked.  

"Now that I have helped you, I was wondering if you could help me with something." Kion said and waited to hear what they had to say. Janja looked at Jasiri and she looked back at him for a few seconds before looking back at Kion with a nod. "Of course what is it?" she smiled. 

His ears perked and smiled softly. "I wanted to try and see if I can convince some of the other Outlanders to be on our side instead of against us. But I need your help to do that so... what do you say?"

Jasiri turned to Janja with a knowing nod to which he exchanged a determined grin. "Alright you can count on us Kion. Let's do this!" Jasiri said with excitement. 

"Great!" Kion replied before standing up. "I'll get back to you later. For now I need to speak with the Guard and my dad about this." 

"Alright. See you later and take care." 

"Always." Kion said just before he ran in the direction of the Pridelands.

Jasiri watched him leave as she felt Janja's paw on top of her own. "I hope this works.. we could really need things to change around here." 

"I'm sure it will." Janja assured and gave her an affectionate nuzzle. Jasiri smiled. "Yeah.." she nuzzled him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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