• Epilogue •

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The slow but steady rhythm of a heart monitor sounded throughout the hospital room. It was slightly annoying, but it wasn't to Peter; more of a sign of hope that Bucky was still fighting in a risky game of life. Not the board game either.

Peter was used to it nowadays, as he spent every waking and sleeping moment (if he slept) by his father's bedside, in one of those uncomfortable plastic chairs. Although he wanted to lay next to Bucky, the bed was way to thin to fit both of them.

Steve had also visited his best friend several times. If he didn't have official business to take care of, the captain would be more like Peter, grasping Bucky's hand and willing him to wake up from his comatose state.

The hospital room itself was white like the snow they had been in before the soldier got shot, but all the flowers and gifts awaiting him for if- no, when he woke. Peter still hadn't given up hope, despite the team dropping hints about moving on and preparing for the worst. No, the brunette knew his dad would wake up; it was just meant to be.

Bucky had already been in his coma for a whopping total of six days. Six entire days without his jokes and pancakes and love, 144 hours since Peter had last heard him laugh and saw that lopsided grin.

It pained him to see a man he thought to be invincible attached to tubes and wires and machines keeping him alive. Breathing, eating, and even carrying out necessary acts to live being supported by these things. Peter wished Bucky could hear him sometimes, except for when he cried worried tears. He didn't want him to hear the teenager finally breaking down under the weight of the world.

Soon. Bucky will be here with me, soon. It's not the end of the line, right? Peter's thoughts moved through his brain, pacing almost as much as he was. He wanted to scream and shout at Bucky, to just wake up and stop the never ending amount of pain! But alas, the older man stayed exactly like he was.

It was only two days later that something changed.

Peter skipped breakfast like he usually did. Nobody even tried to stop him except for Natasha, and she already knew how stubborn her son could be. Probably came from both sides of the family. Peter hadn't left his father's side in more than a day and a half, afraid to miss any sign of progress.

Peter never really spoke to Bucky; hesitant because sharing had never really been either of their styles; a leftover habit from their time at Hydra. Today, he decided to. Maybe Bruce was right, that Bucky might not wake. The thought was sickening, so the brunette pushed it deep down at the back of his mouth and swallowed it down.

He took a shaky breath, "Bucky, or Dad, whatever you want me to call you," Peter chuckled lightly. His feeble attempt at breaking the lingering tension was proved useless.

"It seems like just yesterday that we were sitting in Hydra cells, yeah? Just us, waiting and wishing for an escape, or a chance at life. I mean, the ones given to us by default weren't very good... But that's okay, because we still powered on.

"They don't think you're gonna wake up," he blurted out while clutching Bucky's hand to his chest, right beneath his heart. It was getting hard to make his words clear through the broken tone of voice. "But I need you to. You're my father, my best friend, and the literal Invision of a fight. Keep fighting, Dad. I love you..."

Suddenly, Peter felt movement, and he realized with a start, that Bucky's finger had twitched. The kid held his hand even tighter, and prayed to whatever gods were out there, mainly Mr. Thor. "Please, you can do it!"

Bucky's hand moved a little more, then his eyes slowly flickered open. He squinted at the light before Peter commanded Jarvis to lower the brightness. Neither of the pair cared about the sudden wetness on their faces.

"Dad?" Bucky and Peter looked at each other through tearstained eyes, finally breaking into a grin going ear to ear. "I- it's Peter! You're going to be okay!"

"I know, cause I'm with you till the end of the line, pal."

**And that's a wrap! I can officially pronounce my second ever story as completed. I could rant about how much I love y'all, but I think I should dedicate a whole chapter, so here we go!

Words: 774

Words for whole story: 17,722

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