Chapter 5

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~Time skip~

As you woke up you looked at the clock and saw you was almost late for school. You packed everything. You got dressed and ran down into the kitchen. You took an apple and ran to your car.

You got in and drove off. When you got there you saw Denki and Tsuyu waiting for you. "Since when do you eat healthy?" Denki asked.

"Since the time I was almost late to school." You told them.

Both of them laughed as you went into the building known as hell. "So anything happen?" You asked them. Both of them looked at eachother and thought for a minute. The shook there heads.

You nodded yours and all three of you went to class. Your first class you was sat next to Tsuyu and Deku was in front of you. When the teacher came in you looked at him. It was your English teacher. "Alright everyone I want to write an essay about what you would like in the future." He told you all. "It has to be at least 4 pages long. Come up when you have finished." He said while sitting down.

You all took out your English books and some even started to write down what they wanted to to have. Where you had no idea.

You wanted a nice house and a loving family. That's it. How could you turn that into four pages? By spacing the out? Having big writing? Spacing the letters out? None of them would work so you have to think. You didn't want to lie even if it wouldn't matter.

Finally you have in and started to write about what you actually wanted something is better than nothing right?

In the future I would like a nice house with an awesome view of the sky or Ocean. I also want a loving and wonderful family. Maybe 1 or 2 kids. The house has to have at least 4 bedrooms, and have to have a huge garden.

You stopped writing. Everyone else wanted to marry the prince and have a castle but you didn't care about that. All you wanted was a stable home and a loving husband to share it with. What should I put.... I have nothing. Ugh this sucks I can't had in a paragraph.

When it was time to hand them all in your English teacher looked at you. You put a few more things on it as he read it he accepted what you put and gave you a pass on that paper. The rest of what you was;

Most people in this class would like a castle or just be part of the royal family. I don't. I'm happy being who I am, and what I really want I already said about. All I ask out of life is a good home and a loving family. I already got a good job. It's not the best but it will do.

I'm happy with my life. This was supposed to be an essay but I had nothing. If you just consider what your life is like now it probably won't be as bad when you think about it in the future. So no matter what happens I'll be alright with it.

Thank you for reading.

You and your two best friends was walking down the hall way and looked at everyone while they looked at you. Once you made it to the cafeteria you checked to see how money you had on your card. You didn't have any money. "Tch, she forgot to put money on my card again." You mumbled to yourself.

Since you didn't have any money on your card you went to find a table and sat down. Your friends came and joined you and even brought you some food. "What? But..." You started to speak but got interrupted by Tsuyu.

"We know your mother didn't put any money on your card again. So don't worry about it." She said to you.

"But I feel bad you guys are always spending money on me while I can't spend any on you." You told them.

"It's alright. We know your saving as much money as you can for a house so we don't mind paying." Denki told you.

"You guys are the best. You know that." You said to them while smiling.

In order to get the things you want in the future you will need money so when your given money you put it away for the house and for the other things in the house too. You almost got enough money to do so.

~Time skip~

When you got home the same guard was walking towards you from the hotel. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. His green hair swaying as he walked and his green eyes looked at you too.

He smiled as he walked passed you. You bowed to him as he walked. "Y-You don't need to do that. It's fine. You don't have to bow to me." He said to you.

You stood up straight and looked at him. "Yes sir. Why did come here anyway? If you don't mind me asking." You asked him.

"Not at all. The queen and king has requested every female that is eligible for marriage to attend a dance for the prince. I will see you there." He told you while walking away.

You watched as he leaves and then sighed. Yeah maybe. If they will let me go that is.

And that's Chapter 5 done. No clue how many chapters there will be probably no that many. And with the BNHA fanfics I will be writing starting with this one at the end of the books I will be putting ideas for the next book please comment by the one you want the one with the most comments will be made.

Thanks for reading

To be continued!

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