Chapter 3

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Hello, I'm backkk again !! How are you guys doing ? Stay safe please ..
Okay Let's start!!

I have just finished with my History lecture . Mannn! it was so boring, I just hate history . As soon as I left the class, I checked my phone I had few missed calls from Syra and Dani bhai. I got worried, as they never call me in between my lectures, I dialed Daniyal bhai's number, as he had called me twice. As soon as he received the call, he informed me that........

"Daniyal bhai what happened? Why did you call? Anything urgent?" Aayat asked Daniyal if there was something urgent.

"Ya there is something, that is why I've called you. I tried to call Zayan, but his number was unavailable. I just wanted to say that, come home directly from the college . Kahi chale na jaana ghoomne tum dono." Daniyal informed Aayat to straight away head home after college, as sometimes Aayat and Zayan ,they go out without informing at home.

"Okay bhai we'll straight away come home. But is there anything important?" Aayat asked her brother.

"Not really, will tell you once you guys are back." Daniyal said and hung up the phone. Leaving Aayat in a confused state.

"What happened? Anything important? Why did bhaiya call you?" Aisha asked her friend, who was looking very confused .

"I don't know. He just asked me to directly come home after college, he needs to tell us something. I wonder what is it?"Aayat replied to her thinking of all the possibilities as to what it could be.

"I need to inform Zayan as well. He's not picking up his phone. Let's go" Aayat said and Aisha nodded. They reached the canteen, as Aayat was sure that Zayan was going to be there. Anddd she was right, yes he was there as usual with his friends. As Aayat was approaching him she saw Esha moving towards Zayan's table. She instantly stopped, as she was very curious to see what was Esha going to do. She knew Zayan doesn't like her , whereas Esha has a huge crush on him.

"Heyyyy Zayan" Esha said in a very chirpy tone. As soon as Zayan realized who it was he cursed under his breath, as to what was she doing here.

"Hi! Esha" Zayan replied in his normal tone. Which made Esha highly embarrassed which she covered up with a smile.

"Are you free today? I was thinking if we could go out for lunch today, my cousin has opened a new cafe, nearby you know." Esha asked him while flaunting about her cousin. Zayan was hating it to no extent.

"Esha I-"Zayan started speaking but was cut off in the middle, by none other than his favourite cousin,Aayat.

"Umm I'm sorry Esha but he won't be able to make it today, we have to go home early today. Maybe next time." Aayat said to Esha which made her furious as to how dare she replied to her instead of Zayan and also who is she to speak in gthe middle. Whereas Zayan sighed in relief and muttred a soft 'thank you' to Aayat who just nodded.

"What the hell? How dare you speak in between? I was talking to Zayan and not you so keep your mouth shut." Esha shouted at her which made Aayat lose her control, as to how could she shout at her.

"Miss just keep your tone low, alright! I am not scared of you or anything. And secondly he is my cousin and I have the right to speak on his behalf." Aayat snapped at her, gesturing her to keep it low.

"Do you even know who am I? If you don't,then let me just remind you, I am Esha Siddiqui, daughter of the owner of Siddiqui and Co. And I guess you must be knowing that it is one of the top most companies of the country" Esha said, smirked at her as she thought, Aayat was not aware of the fact that her father was the owner of second best company in the country. But what she wasn't aware of was that the number one company all over the country was run by none other than the person standing infornt of her,Aayat Ali Khan ,It was her Abu and both her Tayya's company.

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