Chapter 6

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"Come on Em, we need to change you into clean clothes," I tell my son, who is playing in the tub after being washed. 

"Why?" he asks, still playing with his duckies.

"We're going on an adventure tonight," I say hoping all goes well tonight. "A friend of mine is picking us up soon."

"Yeah!" he cheers, holding his arms up for me to pick him out of the bathtub; lifting him out, I wrap his green foggie towel around him once he's dried off, and walk him into his room. 

"What do you want to wear, bubs?" I ask, looking through his dresser at his jeans. 

"Yike you, papa!" he squeals happily.

"Okay," I agree, digging through his drawer for a pair of dark jeggings and a pair of white socks and 'Superman' underwear.

Once I've gotten those, I grab a long sleeve purple shirt to help him dress, and once he's dressed, I comb his hair before going back to the bathroom so he and I can brush our teeth. By the time we walk into the living room, there's a knock on the front door, which I check through the curtian, I open it and smile at Mateo while I pick Emery up. 

"Em, say hi to Mateo," I tell him, bouncing him on my hip slightly. 

"Hi Ma'eo," he softly says with a tiny wave as he buries his face into my neck. 

"Hi Emery, it's nice to meet you," Mateo gently says with his own small wave and smile. "Are you two ready to go?" he asks.

"Yesh!" Emery eagerly agrees with a fist bump into the air. 

"Let's go then!" Mateo grins, backing out fo the way so we can exit and lock the front door. 

"W'ere we go?" Em asks Mateo bouncing in my hold as we walk toward his car, that's parked behind mine in the drive. 

"It's a surprise, but I promise you'll have fun!" Mateo answers as he opens the back door of his red Blazer. 

"Um, we have to take mine since Em's car seat is there," I shyly tell him. 

"I borrowed my nephew's car seat," he smirks, gesturing with his hand toward the inside of the Blazer; my jaw drops slightly at this, but I then grin as I walk to the back of the truck to place and buckle Emery into the borrowed car seat. 

"Let's go!" Emery cheers once he's buckled and I'm starting to shut the door. 

Mateo and I chuckle at his eagerness while walking to our respective sides of the vehical, but I'm surprised when he followes me around to the passenger side door. He opens the door with a tiny smirk and a small bow as he gestures to the seat. 

"Thank you," I murmur, climbing inside and buckling.

"You're welcome," he replies, a huge grin on his lips now before shutting the door and walking quickly to the driver's side and climbing in, buckling and starting the truck and backing out. 

Mateo drives us to Charlie's, a place similar to Chuck-E-Cheese, once we're inside, Emery gasps cutely before thanking Mateo. He's definitly made me happy since he was kind enough to think of somewhere fun for Emery. 

Once settled inside, I murmur to Mateo; "Thank you for making him happy."

"Never a problem, love," he replies as he helps Emery with a game. 

We spend the next three hours there, along with ordering dinner and eating before leaving; by the time we arrive home, and Mateo walks us to the door, Em is falling asleep in my hold; "Thank you for tonight, we had fun."

"You're welcome, love. I hope you'll let me take the two of you out again soon?" he asks hopefully.

"We'd love, too, thanks again," I softly say before unlocking the door. 

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