Chapter 3

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The next morning at breakfast - mum, mama and I discuss the three colleges I've been accepted into. 

"What university are you picking?" mum asks.

"Um, I'm leaning toward MSU and Manchester University, since their nursing programs are very good, but University of Chicago is closer to home," I shrug with a light blush.

"Go to the school you want to attend, not where you'll be closer to home because you think it'll make us happy," mama says. 

"But if I attend MSU or University of Chicago, you two can visit and I can come home more," I argue.

"Echo, it isn't like me can't visit each other," mum assures. "Do what's best for you and Emery, and what you want," mum argues. 

"I know," I mumble, biting my lower lip. 

"You don't have to decide today, but you need too soon," mama tells me as we finish eating; I just nod as I clean Emery off the food. 

The rest of the day is spent at home and I finish my schoolwork, spend time with Emery and the mum's, make sure our laundry is done for the week, and our bags are ready for tomorrow. By 7 p.m., I have given Emery his bath and put him to sleep, and then I shower, and text with Harlee and Tyler while watching a Netflix movie off my laptop until I fall asleep around 11 p.m.

Prom is in a week, and Tyler is going with Tonya and Harlee is going with his friend April, while I'm not going and plan on doing something with Emery. Then two weeks after prom is graduation. I've narrowed down which university I want to attend - MSU or Manchestur University, and I have two days to decideoffically and I'm stressing out some. 

"Echo, can you come into the kitchen, please?" mum calls from the kitchen. 

"Sure!" I call back, glancing at my cell to see it's 5 p.m.; I'm surprised they're home from their meeting already. 

Taking Emery's hand in mine, we leave his bedroom, where we were playing with his toys, to find them in the kitchen. "Yeah?" I ask, when we are in the room with them, and they're sitting at the table drinking coffee. 

"Come sit with us," mum says gently, so I sit on a chair next to mama, and place Emery on my lap facing mum. 

"Our fostering license has been renewed, and we'll be having three siblings living with us on Wednesday," mum says. "There is Marra and she's 13 years old, and then there are 9 year old twin boys, Aiden and Ashton. 

"Okay, sounds good. I'll have Emery and I moved down to the basement bedroom by Wednesday morning," I say adjusting my hold on my son; the house has three bedrooms on the main floor and one in the basement. 

"Well, that's the other thing we wanted to talk to you about," mama says. "We were thinking of moving into a bigger house, too."

"Is that needed as Emery and I will be goine in like three months?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"We think so, that way when you two come home to visit, you'll have your own rooms to stay in," mama says matter-of-factly.

"Um, when are we moving?" I ask instead of arguing with them. 

"Middle of next month, so the two of you will be sharing a room until then," mum says. 

"That's fine," I shrug, bouncing Em on my legs making him laugh.

"So, I'm thinking of ordering-in, so what does everyone want?" mama asks.

"Izza!" Emery squeals, his entire face lighting up in hope.

"Sure, bubs," mama says, since none of us object to pizza. "Echo, pepperoni for you two?" 

"Yes please, let me get my wallet," I say, starting to stand, but I don't get too far when mum holds a hand up to me. 

"You're not paying for the food," she says with mama nodding in agreement. 

"O-okay," I say sitting back down. 

"Now, while mama orders dinner, let's talk about university," mum says with a raised eyebrow.

"Um, I've just decided on Manchester University," I admit meekly; their jaws drop in shock, and mama stops ordering off the app for a second. 

"I, ah, have to send my acceptance in, and then once I recieve a confermation from them, I wait for information. I'll also have to get our passports, and a student visa, and I'll start looking for homes to buy or rent while we're there." 

2 days later - 

Mum and mama brought home the three foster siblings today around noon, while Emery and I were at daycare and school. The three and a half hours before we arrive home, mum and mama are using to help them slowly adjust to the new house and people. After picking Emery up from daycare, we drive home, where once I've parked my car and turn it off, I remind Emery about the three new kids in the house. 

"Remember, there's three new kids in the house, who are going to be living with us for a while."

"Yesh," he nods with a serious expression as he nods at me. 

"They might be a little scared, so we need to be nice and calm to them, okay?" I tell him seriously, and he nods solemnly.

"You're my sweet baby," I tell him with a smile and a kiss on the left cheek. 

"I kno'" he grins; yup, he has my sarcasm; carrying my bag and his into the house, with Em walking inside in front of me, we enter the house, finding everyone in the living room watching a movie together. 

"Hey," I say softly, not wanting to startle anyone; five heads turn toward us with mum and mama smiling at us, while Marra grins as she takes in Emery, and the twins look at us curiously. 

"Hi Echo and Emery," mum says, as she stands to hug us both with kisses on the cheeks. "Echo and Emery, this is Marra, Aiden and Ashton."

"Hi," I greet them with a broad smile and a little wave, as Em waves, too.

"You're little brother is cute," Marra says in the sweetest voice that sounds like wind chimes. 

"Thanks, but he's my son," I gently tell her, and her jaw drops. 

This isn't going to end well, I'm afraid, but I hope I'm wrong.

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