what space saw

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ship; dorbyn
warnings; fluff, sad


a shiver trickled down daniel's spine as he glanced over at the window in his room that was cracked open a tiny bit. although he despised the cold he didn't have enough energy to get out of bed and shut it. and besides that, he couldn't help but think—what if that breeze that sent shivers down his spine was corbyn?

"that's nonsense." daniel mumbled to himself as he fell back onto his mattress. he huffed out as his mind began to wander. memories came flooding in as he thought about the blond. the night they met, they day they first texted each other, when they started dating, their first kiss, their first time, and lastly, the day corbyn perished. one by one, he remembered them to the best of his ability.

the night they met; daniel remembered it vividly, he had bumped into corbyn at a party. the blond spilt his drink all over daniel, and later that night he walked the brunette home. daniel remembered the little details—the drink corbyn spilt was pure vodka, on the walk home daniel counted five apologies from the blond, and lastly, how corbyn waited for daniel to enter his home from the end of the driveway to ensure he made it inside safely.

that's when daniel knew corbyn was special. the type of special you don't see often, the type of special only certain people can find. and oh, how lucky daniel was to have found it.

the day they first texted each other; they ran into each other on campus. "we were always bumping into each other." daniel thought as a smile creeped onto his face. daniel couldn't just let corbyn slip through his fingers, so he asked him for his number. daniel got it. in between classes they texted each other, and slowly in between classes turned into whenever they could possibly text each other.

daniel noticed that corbyn preferred calling though, he could hear if daniel enjoyed the conversation or if he was tired, he felt it was easier to communicate over call.

the third of december; when they started dating. it was over hot chocolate at corbyn's apartment. daniel remembered how the drink stung his throat from the temperature, he remembered the pine smell that radiated off of corbyn, and he remembered asking if it was from a cologne or laundry detergent. "it was cologne." daniel thought. they didn't kiss that day, they planned to save it for new years. it was a cliche idea of corbyn's, but daniel couldn't help but think it was cute.

and that brought daniel's thoughts to new years, the day they shared their first kiss. right at midnight they locked lips, it was the closest they had ever been. daniel could smell corbyn's cologne better than ever, and he could taste the alcohol that corbyn had left on his lips. daniel felt a pair of hands grab his waist when they kissed, and he remembered how he blushed when he was pulled even closer. the sound of the television could be heard, it radiated the sound of people celebrating the new year. he remembered everything, what he smelled, tasted, felt and heard.

he refused to let any memory he had go.

april second, it was daniel's birthday. it also happened to be the first time corbyn and him went all the way. although he couldn't remember it as well because of the fact he was intoxicated, he still remembered bits and pieces. it was at a hotel and the two were drunk off of the wine the hotel had to offer. the entire night the two had been rather flirtatious, and one thing lead to another and daniel remembered he was suddenly undressed and under corbyn. somehow, miraculously, the pine scent still lingered on corbyn no matter how sweaty he was.

oh the things daniel would do to smell that scent again.

june third—a memory daniel would never let go of. he wasn't sure if he wanted to forget it or not. while it was an image daniel could never forget, it was the last memory he had left of his lover. the pill bottles on the counter top, the broken glass from the clear vodka bottle that had toppled to the ground, the smell of the room. it reeked of the alcohol that had been spilt, and when daniel collapsed to the floor next to corbyn, he couldn't smell any pine.

daniel remembered sobbing into the EMT's shoulder once his lover was pronounced dead on the scene. cause of death; suicide.

daniel felt a tear drizzle down his cheek as he sat back up in bed. he used all the energy in his body to crawl out of bed and sit down at his window. he didn't bother to open it any further as he looked up at the stars. ever since he had met corbyn, daniel had a special liking for the stars. corbyn was infatuated by space and anything surrounding it. on late nights like these, corbyn and him would stargaze.

daniel noticed an extremely bright star in the sky. a smile crept onto his face. maybe that was corbyn. maybe that star that was corbyn reminding him that he was always there. stars meant more to daniel that just a light in the sky. they were corbyn. as daniel let out a sigh, he pondered of what space saw when corbyn died.

what happened up there on june third?

no—what did space see on december third, new years, april second, and finally, june third?

"what did space see?" daniel mumbled as he stared at the bright star, feeling a shiver run down his spine for the last time that night.

this is only 960 words, but i really like how it turned out.

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