cop car(modern giyu x reader)

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Y/n pov

You went to a party with your friend
Ariss (friends name) and some of her friends, you didn't bother to learn their names. Because they all were too loud for your liking.

"C'mon y/n go meet other people already drink, have fun!" Ariss said to you with a smile hitting your back. "Ariss, were
16, I'm the only one who can drive, possesses a car, and I don't drink" you said in a monotone voice back to her. (wow y/n-chan is such a loser~) "ugh fine, but it's your loss~," Ariss said whining while going to the alcohol table.

You just rolled your eyes and walked to a table with chips, grabbed almost all of them, and walked back to your car. Throwing all of them on to the passenger seat and sitting down on the driver's seat. Grabbing a bag of f/c(favorite chips) and opening them, you started thinking.

You and Ariss were complete opposites she was a bubble extrovert that made almost everyone her friend, while you on the other hand were a lazy introvert that had around 3 close friends. Somehow though you guys managed to become best friends and couldn't be separated.

You were so lost in thought that you didn't notice 2 people walking up to your car.

You heard a knock on the window and jumped since you didn't expect it, you turned your head to the window with a glare on your face, only to see ariss sweat dropping with a nervous smile plastered no her face. You rolled down the window still glaring at her "what."

You said with no emotion in your voice. "Hehe, I bought you a new friend!" She said motioning to a man behind her, he had black hair and striking blue eyes, and a face that heled no emotion on it.

You had to admit the man was hot, like really hot. "hi." He said in a monotone voice." hello?" You said back more as a question even though you said it with no emotion in your voice or on your face, turning back to ariss giving her a 'why would you do this I don't even know his name' kinda face. She understood eminently

"oh! This is giyuu, he's just like you even down to the depression!" Ariss said happily as she didn't just say what she said.

You however just rolled your eyes at her and looked at this 'giyuu' dude "did she drag you here without asking you?" You asked this man in a monotone voice.
"Yes." He said with no emotion. "Wow, Ariss just go, kidnapping people, when I leave you alone for two minutes." You said looking back at her. "What else would I do? you guys both looked so alone it hurt!" She said back.

"real smooth Ariss, real smooth." You said moving your attention back to giyuu, who might I add has not moved an inch this whole time. Looking back to Ariss "look at the poor dude, he clearly doesn't like me, nor does he want to be here let the poor guy leave" you said to Ariss rather bluntly.

"Who said I don't like you or that I didn't want to be here?" Asked giyu well it was more of a statement to make you feel bad, and boy did it work. "Sorry, I just assume-" you started before being cut off by giyu "well don't assume next time" "aye-aye caption." You said back to the man forgetting about Ariss until she spoke up.

"Perfect! Now since both of you don't wanna be here-" she grabbed giyu and threw him in your passenger seat but not before throwing the chips in the back seat of course.

"-you guys can ditch this party together, BUT be back by 12 you still gotta take are drunk ass' home!"
She yelled slamming the door shut and running away.

You knew there was no point in arguing with her since if you didn't leave she would check and bother you every 10 minutes anyway. "Okay, where are we going?" You asked the man next to you while starting the car.

"Uhm I don't know?" He replied to you kinda shocked you were listening to your friend.

"Driving around it is!" You said not so loudly, pulling out of the parking spot you drove the opposed way you came from wanting to explore a little. Around 20 minutes of you and giyuu surprisingly making a nice convo you got closer to the countryside of your small town.

Unknown to the two of you guys, you had driven right past a 'no trespassing' sign.


"-and guess what, they were roommates," you said giyu started to chuckle at your story but it was soon cut short as you heard sirens behind you. "Uh-oh, we're in trouble," you said pulling over to the side of the dirt road. "Can you grab my car papers out of the glove box in front of you please?"

You asked giyuu to get your license out. Without speaking, giyuu grabbed them and handed them to you."-thanks" you said to giyuu grabbing the papers from his and then you rolled your window down seeing a cop outside your door.

"Are you aware that your trespassing, miss?" The cop asked you while pulling out a pen with his notepad already in his hand. "No, sir," you said back to him with no emotion on your face or in your voice "I did not" you finished your sentence. Clearly, the no emotion tone wasn't the way to go. Setting the man off.

"Excuse me?! Do you think this is some kind of joke?! Your on a private property your lucky you didn't get shot by the owner of this property! I suggest you stop giving me attitude and wise up!"

The cop started yelling at you he clearly had a short fuse but so did you, so what do you give him attitude since he wanted it oh so badly. "Yes, Excuse you! 1) I wasn't giving you attitude before but now I am since you clearly wanted it!" you said sarcastically

"2) who said this was a joke and 3) how bout you wise up and stop talking to me like that!?" You said yelling the last few words clearly angry at the man. " you two out of the car, now."


as the cop was putting you in the cop car- quite roughly might I add, you just had to be snarky "hey, got a light?" You asked the cop (asking for a cigarette) "wait, you smok-" giyuu started before you cut him off with a "nope!" Poping the 'P', he giggled at that, making the cop mad and slamming the door.

"So rude," you said shaking your head. Guys just smiled at your humor and snarky comments.
"Hey we could make a run for it, it would make a great story one day," you said as you leaned over and whispered in giyuus ear. "Your crazy," he said back shaking his head and laughing at what you said


The cops had to let us go not charging us with anything, that made mr.cop mad. We got my car and drove back to the parking lot sitting in a spot eating those chips and talking about what happened. You and you became friends and then lovers around 2 years later, went to the same college and everything opened a famous dojo together too.

He proposed and everything. You got married bought a house together and you have a dog named zenitsu he's an Australian shepherded and is scared of everything.


"-And that is how I met your mother" giyuu finished the story of that night.
"you do realize that the baby cant hear you right- I have not given birth yet- that I'm 4 months prego"

you said laughing at your husband. "So what?" He hugging your torso. "Its gonna be our baby, OUR Baby ill love them so much-Ii bet it's a boy," he said kissing your four head. "Mabey, Mabey not who knows?"

Amended, 1376 words

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