jelouse more(Jelouse Zenitsu x reader)

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You, Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu were in the Butterfly Estate, healing from our recent mission. You healed faster than everyone else because you had fast healing abilities.

So you went to go see how the boys were doing. While walking to the separate room, you were stopped by uzui the sound pillar. You heard a noise coming from the room you were about to enter, you shook it off as Aoi leaving or something.
"Hello y/n you are looking flamboyant as always, what are you doing on this fine day?!" Uzui shouted/asked you.

"Oh, I'm going to visit tanjiro, Inosuke, And Zenitsu, nothing important why do you ask?" You replied back to uzui in a normal tone. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?!" He asked you. At this point, you were ready to plug your ears but not wanting to be rude you didn't.

"I'm so sorry uzui but I'm really busy right now maybe another time, how does that sound to you?" You replied then asked with a nervous smile on your face. "Hmm, well that's too bad but I guess I could residual for someone as flamboyant as you!" Uzui shouted to you.
"Okay, I must go now goodbye uzui!" You did walking past the 'flamboyant' man, towards your original goal. You heard the door slam shut and little footsteps running inside the room. 'whatever' you thought while entering the room. "Hey, how are you guys holding up in here?" You asked the boys but for some reason, tanjiro and Zenitsu looked really nervous while inosuke just looked...dead?

"Y/N chan! Look at my arms there so shortttttt! Come look at them!" Zenitsu yelled at you. You being you ran over to him shouting "ah are you okay you poor baby!?" Looking at him with worry and concern. You started grabbing his arms and looking at them while he was crying.
"They look short what happened?" You asked zenitsu with a raised eyebrow. "Well there was this really scary spider with scary baby spiders and one bit me my hair started to fall out I started shrinking I blacked out and this giant butterfly saved me!" He took a giant breath at the end because he talked to fast.

"Oh my, that must have been very scary poor thing!" You shouted towards zenitsu, tubing his head. "It was! I was so scared!" Zenith said bear hugging your torso.

"Don't worry I won't let those monsters hurt you again." You said with a small blush on your face, to be honest, you had a small, scratch that HUGE crush on him. I mean he was just so adorable.

Time skip
To when they can leave the bed

You were sitting outside with the guys, just talking with them but mostly zenitsu. You felt warm breath on your neck all of the sudden. Yelping you turned around hitting the person out of instinct.
You soon cursed your reflexes seeing that it was uzui that you hit. "Ugh," Uzui grunted while holding his cheek. You started to panic 'oh god what have I done I'm gonna die im just a hinoto rank!' you yelled in your head. "Ah! Gomen, gomen, im so, so sorry!" You apologized franticly bowing to uzui.

"No worries my y/n-chan, but must I say you have quite the strength," Uzui said looking at you with a small smile on his face.

You saw how red his cheek was and felt guilty immediately. Rushing your hand up to his cheek and cupping it softly rubbing your thumb over it. Giving him sympathetic eyes feeling even more guilty you dropped your head a little bit.
Uzui, however, was not having it. He put his pointer finger under your chin while his thumb was in your chin. Slowly lifting your head to look t you. "Hey, it's alright no big deal im still flamboyant as ever, speaking of flamboyant when will our date happen?!" He asked you taking his hand off your be honest you didn't like the sound pillar but every time you tried to reject him he would ent stop bothering you so you just gave up on rejecting the man.

"Uhm how does today sound but not right now im talking to zensu right now." You said calling zenitsu by his nickname. "Okay I will be by your room to pick you up, does 7 work for you?!" Uzui asked you.

"Yes, that's fine with me tengan." You said to the man. "Absolutely Flamboyant!" Uzui shouted to you while leaving you to what you were doing before. You, turning back around to zenitsu realized he looked kinda down you saw tanjiro shooting him synthetic looks.

"Are you okay zensu? You look kinda down." You asked him. "Yeah, im fine..." Zenitsu trailed off while avoiding eye contact with you. "Ha! Many we should uh get back to our rooms bye y/n it was nice talking to you!" Tanjiro said nervously running off with zenitsu.
"Hm there acting weird, do you know what's up with them inosuke?" You asked the boar masked man while looking in the direction tanjiro and zenitsu ran off to. "Yes, but I can tell a mear mortal like you! Hahaha!" Inosuke said while getting up and walking in the direction that tanjiro and zenitsu went.

"HEY! What does that mean?!" You yelled after him but it was already too late, he was gone. "Great." You said sarcastically to your self. 'Oh shit it's already 6:30 gotta go fast!' You thought to yourself running towards your room.
You got ready hearing an f/c kimono that faded into white and had a flower pattern going up on it with tall flats.
(Looks like this)

But you kept your h/l h/c hair down

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But you kept your h/l h/c hair down. 'Ugh, I really don't want to do this!' You thought walking to the door. By now you only had around 5 minutes until uzui was here. 'Only if it was zensu here instead of uzui.' You said wishing it was your crush.
But before you could complain to yourself anymore there was a knock on your door. 'Ugh!' You thought opening the door with a smile but don't let it fool you under that sweet smile was lots of frustration. "Y/n are you ready for our date!? you look absolutely flamboyant!"uzui said to you. " thank you uzi you look rather handsome yourself." You said to uzui.

A few hours later

" Y/n I have something to ask you," Uzui said in a calm voice worrying you because he usually was not like this. "Sure ask whatever you would like." You said to uzui. "Would you be my fourth wife?" Uzui said in a serious tone. 'Oh no, he's serious. This is bad.'

While you were still figuring out what you were going to do you felt an arm wrap itself around your waist pulling you back into a chest.

"Sorry but y/n-chan isn't interested." Said a threatening but familiar voice. You looked up to see zenitsu.

Shocked that zenitsu would have the guts to do this you stood there in his arms appalled. "Is this true y/n?" Uzui asked you. "Uh Uhm yes im sorry if I mislead you I just didn't want to be rude. Gomen!" You said to uzui. Zenitsu pulled you back away from uzui and away from everyone. "Y/n im sorry but iloveyousososomuchidontknowwhatiwoulddowithoutyouandpleaseforgiveme!" ( I love you so so much I don't know what I would do without you please forgive me!) Zenitsu yelled taking a huge breath at the end.
"It's okay zensu, you saved me a long awkward conversation. Thanks for that!" You said while hugging him.

"Besides you were soooo jealous I've never seen someone so jealous but it was great. Where did you get the balls to stand up to a pillar like that!" You yelled super enthusiastic.
Zenitsu, however, had enough of your rambling. Snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you in. He gained the courage and smashed his lips on yours.

It shocked you at first but you eventually closed your eyes and kissed him back.
You put one arm around his neck and the other hand tangling in his hair pushing his head forward to deepen the kiss.

You guys separated in a need for breath. Opening your eyes you maintained eye contact with him. "Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" Zenitsu asked you. "Yes, absolutely!" You said to him.

"Ya know I should get you jealous more."

Amended 1435 words

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