~Chapter 2 Jimmy Bae x Jack Kang~

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It was a plausible excuse, no one would question why Jack left as soon as the meeting was over as he already explained he needed to pick up medicine for his aunt. On its own it sounded fine but paired with the knowledge that he always had some sort of an excuse to leave early made it seem a little...suspicious- at least it did to Jack but he was fortunate enough to be surrounded by idiots or in Jimmy's case, someone who just doesn't care.

The realization that Jimmy doesn't care about Jack as an individual, broke him- no tore him would be a better usage of words. He was tore; on one half of his broken heart, he was melancholy, heartbroken and numb but on the other half, he was frustrated, angry and wanted to put Jimmy through the pain he was going through but no matter how strongly he felt he knew he was being dumb, after all, Jimmy had no reason to care for Jack.

A stroll through the city always helped calm Jack but it also distracted him, distracted him so much he didn't even realize where he was walking when he saw the familiar faces of Ben Park and Alex Go. Unluckily for Jack, Alex spotted him as well. It was a staring contest between the two boys, Alex sporting a smirk and Jack with a scowl, neither of the two noticed Ben approach Jack until he, in a friendly manner, smacked Jack on the back (Jack would, later on, admit it was like getting slapped with a frying pan) a small 'Yelp!' sound accidentally came out of Jacks lips before he could stop it.

"What are you doing around Eujang territory, doing spy work for Jimmy Bae. Man does he really want another beating but I am surprised he sent you and not some other idiot?" Ben asked, tilting his head as he studied the shorter boy in front of him. Jack, despite his confusion, kept an emotionless face and asked, "Why would he send someone else? Not that he does plan to attack you, I was just wandering around the city" Jack was quick to explain, fearful of the thought of seeing Jimmy being hurt that badly again.

By this point, Alex already made his way over to the two of them and finally spoke, "Well I mean...aren't you his boyfriend? Why would he send you to do this type of work when he could have made someone less important do it?" Jack Kang prided himself in the fact he could hide his emotions behind a mask so easily but the thought of being Jimmy's boyfriend was enough to tear through that mask and expose a flustered, shy, and kind of cute side to Jack Kang, "w-what are y-you on about!? I-I am not J-J-Jimmy's b-b-b-boyfri- "Jack couldn't even spit out the word out he was so embarrassed, "W-why would y-you think t-that!?" he asked covering his lower face with his right hand.

Startled by the reaction of Jack Kang both Ben and Alex had to calm down from laughing so hard before Ben managed to explain to him that everyone assumed they were together because Jimmy was so protective over him. This furthered confused Jack, 'people think Jimmy is protective over me? But why would they think that? Jimmy doesn't care about me, I am just useful to him' Alex could easily spot the confusion on Jacks face, "Could you not tell he was so protective over you? That psycho literally beat the shit out of me because I got in a fight with you?" Alex admitted a little sheepishly but at the mention of Alex getting hurt Ben was quick to wrap his arms around his go-go in a protective manner.

Ignoring the obvious couple in front of him, as he was too busy lost in thought, 'I thought Jimmy did that to warn Ben, but I did hear that he also mentioned me, and that little prick just confirmed it, does Jimmy actually care about me? I need to talk to him!' Spinning on his heel he left Alex and ben (which went unnoticed by the two as Alex was scolding Ben while looking like a tomato and Ben trying to explain to him that he likes holding his go-go) Jack's walk slowly turned into a speed walk and then a full out sprint as he dashed through the streets of Noryangjin.

He stopped to catch his breath at some back alley he turned into, ignorant to the sound of quickly approaching footprints until his back was smashed into a wall. Startled but prepared to fight he nearly punched the person in front of him until he realized those familiar blue eyes, Jimmy bae. "So, it is true. Why the fuck are you around Eujang!? What happens if Ben Park or that fucker White Mamba saw you! You could have got hurt! - are you hurt?" Jimmy finished his rant to look over the smaller figure who he was caging against a wall.

Jack Kang was a strong mix of shocked and happy, Jimmy was worried about him...he cared about him. Looking up at the angry face of Jimmy he made eye contact and he saw the anger, worry and some other emotion swirl in his eyes, he didn't even try to stop the laugh that erupted out of his throat, why did he ever think Jimmy didn't care about him? He stopped laughing after hearing the slight growl from Jimmy.

Maybe it was the euphoric feeling that caused him to do this or perhaps it was something else but he jumped up into jimmy's arms, wrapping his arms around his neck, "I'm fine Jimmy, I'm fine..." a wide smile spread across his face as he looked up at Jimmy before reality came crashing down. Startled and embarrassed at what he did Jack Kang tried to move away, keyword being tried as Jimmy wrapped his arms around Jack's waist and buried his head in Jack's neck.

"Next time you scare me like that I am tying you to my bed and am never letting you out into the world again" Jimmy's voice was muffled but Jack could still hear him loud and clear and didn't mind the thought of being tied up to Jimmy's bed, preferably naked. He just chuckled in response and Jimmy raised his head, once again towering over Jack but he lowered his head once more, this time to press his lips against Jacks.

It was surprisingly soft and gentle, Jack was quick to kiss back, harder and a little more passionate as the once sweet kiss became a heated make-out session, with Jimmy obviously dominating the kiss. They pulled away, needing air as a smug expression made its way to jimmy's face, "If your kisses are always that good, I just might never stop kissing you." Jimmy spoke in an arrogant tone but the love in his eyes made Jack melt.

They walked back to Yoo-sun hand in hand and when they finally made it to the school, they knew everybody was looking at them as they made their way to the back of the school where jimmy's base is, and then proceeded to make out. As for the rest of the student body, nobody was surprised.

Duilich! I know it has been quite a while since I posted but a day after I uploaded my first chapter my nanas kitten passed away and it is fair to say that i was a little more than emotionally distressed even now i am still having a hard time coping (i think it is evident in my writing as the quality is drastically worse than the last one shot)

I promise you I will update a lot more now, i just needed that time offline. I can't express how much all of you mean to me and your support warms my heart and so I wanted to do something to get to know yous better!

I am scottish and my first language is scottish gaelic and so I want to teach yous all a word from my language each update. The word i used today is Duilich meaning sorry.

I am excited to carry on with this book and feedback is great motivation! And of course if any of yous have any recommendations please let me know!


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