~Chapter 4: Grape x Wolf~

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Grapes enjoyed tilting his head and leaning it on the hard but smooth surface Wolf never failed to provide for him, although it isn't like what it used to be, it will do. On this particular night Grapes was wrapped up in Wolf's old blazer from his time in Ganghak, the warmth of the blazer was protecting Grapes from the cold harsh winds the night conjured, however, Grapes was far to wrapped up telling wolf about the fight he just had no less than an hour ago to notice.

"It was some idiot from Yoosun, the one with the long pink hair...I don't think you met him, anyway, he was hassling this old lady and I decided to step in and you wouldn't believe it, that old lady was his Grandma! It was so rude of him to be shouting at his family like that," A small chuckle erupted from Grapes throat, as he thought of something funny, "I am sure if you were there you would have definitely killed him and then scolded him, you always did make sure people appreciated there family...is it because you lost your mother at a young age?" Grapes questioned but wolf remained quiet, well it wasn't like Grapes was actually expecting him to answer anyway, he already knew the answer.

Despite the fact people thought the two met in middle school, Wolf and Grapes were actually childhood friends, close ones at that. Grapes got a puppy for his 8th birthday who he called Alpha, one night he was taking it out on his night-time walk when he spotted a small boy who looked around his age huddled up and crying next to a tree that Grapes likes to rest at. Intrigued but concerned, grapes approached the crying boy but before he could make his way up to him, Alpha made it to the boy first and began to lick the boy's arms, that were covering his face.

Wolf was utterly confused and still distressed, looked up to see a black and white puppy trying to attack his face with kisses, "I am so sorry! He is just a puppy; I haven't trained him yet. Bad Alpha, bad!" A soft blush made way to wolf's face as he looked up at the panicked boy, the boy was quite cute but now he had to calm the boy down from his near emotional hysteria, " It's alright, I think if anything he cheered me up just a bit! I am wolf by the way" Although the boy seems chirpy when he was speaking, the tears piling up in Wolf's eyes told grapes something different.

Grapes sat down next to the boy and rested his back against the trunk of the tree, "I am Grapes, it's nice to meet you...if you don't mind me asking, why are you crying?" Wolf quickly stopped making eye contact with grapes by turning his head back to face the ground, a few small tears escaping out of his eyes, "I am sorry, that was rude of me! You don't need to tell me anything- "Grapes was cut off by Wolf's broken voice, "My mother...died, there was a fire at her work, and she wasn't able to escape..." It is fair to say that it is a very difficult thing to try and comfort someone who is dealing with death but for a child it is a lot harder so Grapes did the thing he always saw his dad do when his mother cried, he wrapped his arms around Wolf's neck and hugged him.

"My mummy also lost her dad when she was younger, I never meet him but mummy says he is looking down at me during the nights when the stars out, she says when a person dies there soul goes up to the stars where they live happily forever! Maybe your mummy is watching down on you, so even if you don't see her, she still is there!" Although Grapes in reality had no idea what he was saying, it was enough to bring on a whole new wave of tears for Wolf, who hugged the boy back tightly and so abruptly they both fell on their backs on the grass, Wolf's tears of gratefulness staining Grapes shirt.

A small smile made way to Grapes face as he thought back on the memory, Wolf was so emotional back then, but he grew up to be an indifferent stone-cold bastard, to everyone except Grapes of course. Remembering that he was in the middle of a story Grapes continues to tell Wolf who silently listened to what happened an hour ago, "As I was saying, the guy stalked off leaving his poor grandma all alone, so I followed him and stopped him when he turned into an alley, I didn't even confront him yet when he already tried swinging a punch at me! It only took a punch straight to his face and a knee to the balls and he was out cold!" Grapes finished off chuckling, raising his head to the sky.

Stars, the stars were out. Grapes groaned to himself, disappointed in his own stupidity, "Damn I wasted all my time telling you that story but you, my grandpa and heck maybe even your mother all saw it happen!" The blackish-purple haired boy removed his head from the cold surface that the gravestone offered him, "It's getting late I should head home, watch over me well I sleep! Goodnight I love you Wolfie" He finished, getting up on to his own feet and walked away from the gravestone that resides under a familiar tree that belonged to none other than, Wolf Keum.


I tried doing a sad story, it is not my forte but I do truly hope you all enjoyed it, if not...then I don't really blame you.

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