Chapter 9 - You And I

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Claire and the boy went inside.

Boy - Who are you?

Claire - Honestly...I dont even know anymore.

Boy - I mean, whats your name?

Claire - Claire.

Boy - Claire what?

Claire - For now, just Claire. Whats your name?

Boy - Carl. Is that your dog?

Claire - Yeah.

Carl - Whats his na-

Claire - Her, and her name is Una. Shes spanish.

Carl shook his head.

Carl - So how long have you been here

Claire - Actually, I just got here. I was trying to figure out how this thing (Claire handed Carl the Mp3) works.

Carl - Oh you just press the play button.

*The One That Got Away by Katy Perry played loudly through the headphones*

Carl - Here put these in.

Carl handed Claire the headphones, and Claire put them in and listened to half the song. While Claire was listening to the song, Carl looted the house and found a big can of pudding. Carl put the can on the table and went upstaires. *2 Gunshots and Una barking* Claire ripped the headhones out of her ears and ran upstairs. When Claire got up the stairs Carl had a walker on him, Claire shot it in the head.

Carl - Thanks.

Claire - What happened?

Carl - I was looking for supplies when I opened the door and the walker jumped out at me-

Claire - WAIT! What did you call it?

Carl - A walker?

Carl stood up.

Claire - Did you know a guy who was at a prison?

Carl - I know alot of peple from the prison. I was there.

Claire - This guy had a busted up hand? Name started with an R?

Carl - Rick?

Claire - YES! Thats it! Did you know him?

Carl - He's my dad.

Claire - Oh.

Carl - How do you know him?

Claire - I was there when he and Carol were looting a house.

Carl - You were there?!?! What happened to Carol? Is she ok?

Claire - Yeah shes fine, Rick kicked her out of the prison, her and i found a small house and lived there for a while.

Carl - Why did you leave?

Claire - These people came, from the prison and-

Carl - Do you remember who they were?!?

Claire - A man, 2 kids, and a baby.

Carl - JUDITH?!?!

Claire - Yeah why?

Carl - Thats my baby sister, we have to find her!

Carl walked towards the stairs, Claire put her hand on his shoulder and Carl turned around.

Claire - Not so fast! I dont know if we shoudl go back, the reason why I left was because one of the little girls, Lizzie I think? She went insane and killed her sister, so Carol took her into the woods and killed her. All I'm saying is...I think we should wait a while before we go back.

Carl - Okay.

Carl and Claire went downstais and got the snacks and went out on the balcony and ate chips and pudding while listening to the Mp3. After Claire was done eating her chips she took out her notebook and wrote down the lyrics to the song.

Carl - What are you doing?

Claire - Im writing the lyrics to the song.

Carl - Why?

Claire - So I can learn the song and the melody, and if I find the right instrument I can sing it.

Carl - Ok?

Carl finished his pudding and Claire finished writing down the lyrics to the song. Carl and Claire went downstairs and grabbed their bags.

Carl - My dad and I live in a small house not too far from here, you can come back with us if you like?

Claire - I think I might wanna be on my own for a while.

Carl - Please. We really need the extra help. We...we lost alot.

Claire - Haven't we all.

Carl - So?

Claire - Okay. BUT...There is one thing you should know...A long time ago, I was in a store, and I got attacked by one of the walkers and I got bit (Claire showed the bite) but I never turned. Carol said if I can find a scientist, then maybe there might be a slight chance, that there could be a cure for all this. She also said theres a safe place with scientists, but I forgot what the place was called.

Carl - Ok.

Claire - Thats it?

Carl - Where you expecting something else?

Claire - No, nevermind. Where is this house of yours?

Carl - Follow me.

Claire untied Una from the chair and folloed the boy to the house, when they got inside, Carl ran to the couch, then ran to the hallway.

Carl - DAD?!?!

Claire - Whats wrong?

Carl - My dads not here.

Claire - Well what do we do?

Carl - I...I dont know.

Claire - Maybe he went looking for you, im sure he will be back. we'll just wait here until he comes back.

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