Chapter 14 - All Gone

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Claire woke up to the smell of smoke, when she opened her eyes she saw Carl kicking dirt into the extenguished fire. Claire shivered and bundled up into her blanket.

Carl - Are you ok?

Claire - Yeah its just...really cold.

Carl - Here.

Carl took off his jacket and handed it to Claire.

Claire - No, i'll be fine.

Carl - You sure?

Claire stood up, wrapped her blanket around her, and grabbed her things.

Claire - We should go, its not safe to stay in one place for too long.

Carl grabbed his things and headed for Terminus. A couple hours later, they were still in the woods. Claire was walking slow and was behind Carl. Carl looked back and saw Claire looking at the ground and dragging her feet.

Carl - Do you wanna stop and rest for a little bit?

Claire - No, we have to keep going.

Carl grabbed Claire's hand.

Carl - Please, you look exhausted.

Claire pulled back her hand with an attitude and kept walking.

As Claire and Carl were walking, Carl noticed that Claire was walking a little fast.

Carl - Claire!

Claire - What?

Carl - Please slow down a little.

Claire - Why?

Carl - Because...

Claire stopped and turned to look at Carl.

Carl - Look, I'm sorry about what happened, i really am. But right now, i just need you to talk to me.

Claire put her bags on the ground and walked up to Carl.

Claire - Ok, what do you wanna talk about then?

Carl - Whats bothering you? Right now, as of this moment, what is bothering you?

Claire - Nothing is bothering me. Its just...What happened last night...

Tears started falling down Claire's face, Carl looked at Claire in her eyes and whiped the tears from her face.

Carl - I understand. It wasnt fun for me either. But we have to keep moving on, dont let this ruin your life. And do me 1 huge favor.

Claire - What?

Carl - Smile...Because it kills them.

Claire and Carl looked at each other in the eyes and smiled.

Carl - Good, now lets go look for supplies, we are low on food.

Claire and Carl went roaming the woods hoping to find a street that leads to the city. For hours, they have been walking around in the woods but havent been getting any closer to the city or Terminus.

Claire - Where are we?

Carl - I dont know.

Carl took a map out of his bag and took a look at it.

Claire - Are you sure your not holding it upside down?

Carl - Umm.

Claire took the map away from Carls face.

Claire - Carl...we're lost.

Carl - We are not lost okay?

Claire looked at Carl with one eyebrow raised.

Carl - Ok we're lost.

Claire - Great, we could've been walking in circles this whole time.

Carl - Dont worry, we will make it to Terminus.

Claire - I know, im just...Im really tired of losing people, and i feel that Terminus is the only hope we have right now.

Carl rubbed his thumb on Claire's cheek.

Carl - I know.

Claire - Lets just keep going.

Carl and Claire once again, started searching for the city or Terminus. Claire and Carl came across a camp sit with the fire still burning and bags all around.

Claire - What do we do?

Carl - Take what they have and leave.

Claire - What?!

Carl - Hurry before they come back.

Claire - Why me?

Carl - Because i need to keep watch.

Claire - Ok.

Carl - Remember, only take what we need.

Claire - Ok.

Claire approached the camp site and dug through the bandits bags for supplies. When Claire got to the last bag she found the pictures that were taken when she was being raped.

Carl - Claire? Are you almost done?

Claire quickly stuffed the pictures in her bag.

Claire - Umm...Yeah im ready.

Claire and Carl walked around the woods a bit more until nightfall, and got settled in a spot to go to sleep.

Carl - You get some rest i'll take watch

Claire - Thank you.

Carl took point by some tree and Claire sat there looking at the fire. Claire looked to see if Carl was still there, but he wasnt, so Claire looked through her bag for the pictures. Once she found them, she took them out and threw them into the fire. Claire sat there and watched them burn for a few minutes, then turned in for the night. Claire woke up and saw Carl laying beside her with his eyes still closed. Claire rubbed her hand across his face.

Carl - Good morning sunshine.

Carl woke up and looked at Claire. Claire stared into his blue eyes as Carl smirked.

Carl - Morning my love.

Claire and Carl herd the sound of a walker nearby, when they looked, there saw a walker tied to a tree. Carl grabbed his knife and was about to get up to kill it, Claire put her hand on his shoulder.

Claire - Dont, its too early for that, besides, Hes not hurting anybody.

Carl - Not yet. We should get up and get ready to go.

Claire - Wait, lets just lay here for a few more minutes.

Carl - Come on stop being lazy.

Claire - What?! Im not being lazy, im just on my energy saving mode.

Carl - Thats funny because thats the definition of lazy.

Claire and Carl laughed.

Claire - Oh alright.

Claire got up and got her things together until a heard of walkers came. Carl took out his knife and started to stab them one by one, and Claire took out her gun and aimed at one of them and pulled the trigger but all she heard was a click.

Claire - Shit! Im out of ammo!

Carl - Me too! There is too many of them! You have to make a run for it!

Claire - No im not leaving you!

Carl - You have too! I'll distract them! SAVE YOURSELF!

The walkers started to crowd around Carl.


Claire ran as fas as she could dodging the walkers coming out at her until she finally reached a road. Claire stopped in the middle of the road and dropped everything. Claire got down on her knees and cried.

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