Sirena Kane is a Fictional Superhero Created by SGMU and she is the first sister of the Kane family and a Reigning Alien Princess With a diamond Sword who also stopped Several mercurien & Marzion Wars and she was isolated to stone With the planet mars until Years later she broke out.
Real name: Sirena Kane
Kind: Superhero
Home: Mars / Minnesota ( Earth)
Species: Alien
Family: Sitorra ( Mother ) Taurrus ( Father)
Siblings: Scarlett Kane, Sophia Kane, Suzanna Kane
Lover: Dr. Get Wreckt
Weapon: Diamond Sword
Fictional Universe: SGMU
Personality: Smart, Protective, Kind sometimes, Collected, loving, Graceful, Calm and Quick thinking
The SGM Universe™️ - character Encyclopedia
AksiHere's Another Book! About another Massive Superhero Universe Called SGMU and its a Encyclopedia Of a updating & Expanding Universe with All the Characters of Section 1. Sapphire gems Multiverse™️