Geisha is a Fictional superhero Character Created by SGMU And part of the Dark-Hero Franchise & Scarlett Warrior of Mars.Geisha is a Alien Fighter While being a Geisha. King willow Was Born on Jupiter and Was In the battle While fighting Against The Sinners a Group that commits Sinful Acts And Horrible Things to the Population on Jupiter kingdom. King willow has some Asian Blood Which gives her some Asian Facial Features Besides Her Fighting style of a Warrior.
Real name: King willow
Superhero name: Geisha
Home: Jupiter / Minnesota ( earth)
Occupation: Hero
Personality: Loyal, Protective, Kind Hearted & Strong
Weapon: a Chained Knife
Race: Alien
Nationality: Asian
Fictional Universe: SGMU
The SGM Universe™️ - character Encyclopedia
AcciónHere's Another Book! About another Massive Superhero Universe Called SGMU and its a Encyclopedia Of a updating & Expanding Universe with All the Characters of Section 1. Sapphire gems Multiverse™️